
  1. 跟着无常的现象走,你就是渴爱的弟子,而非佛弟子。

    Having your nose led by Impermanence , you are then the follower of Strong Desire-not an authentic Buddhist !

  2. 他用色、声、香、味、触以及其它心所作为诱饵来诱惑佛陀,以及佛弟子。

    He uses forms , sounds , tastes , odors , tactile objects , and all kinds of mental objects as his bait to lure the Buddha and the Buddha 's disciples .

  3. 在大乘佛教大般若涅磐经之中的四大法印是佛的弟子的宗教思想中特别重要的部分。

    The Four Great References found in the Mahaparinibbana Sutra is of special importance to the students of Buddhist religious thought .

  4. 幸运的佛教徒多幸运啊!那些谦恭的佛的弟子们!他们从一开始就没有继承任何启示书上的所谓一贯正确的谬论。

    Fortunate Buddhist how fortunate are the humble followers of the Buddha who have not inherited the fallacy of infallibility of any revealed book from the very beginning .

  5. 我感激薄伽梵大圣智及维摩诘阿达尔嘛佛师尊给弟子这机会去简单的分享一点我的想法及感受。

    I 'm thankful to Bhagavan the Great Holy Zhi-Ji Vimalakirti Ahdharma Buddha Patriarch Master for giving me this opportunity to briefly share a bit of my thoughts and feelings .

  6. 若是经典所在之处,则为有佛,若尊重弟子。

    Wheresoever this sutra may be found the Buddha and His respected disciples will be there also .