
fó tǎ
  • pagoda
佛塔 [fó tǎ]
  • [pagoda] 佛教徒用石、砖、木等材料建造的高耸的多层建筑

佛塔[fó tǎ]
  1. 由他设计的印度支那大学(UniversityofIndochina)大楼,屋顶边缘镶嵌的是亚洲元素的图案,有的部分像佛塔一样层层叠叠。

    The roof of his University of Indochina building is edged with Asian-inspired patterns ; part of it is tiered like a pagoda .

  2. 螺旋形的古螺城(CoLoa)据说可以追溯到公元前200年;高耸于市中心白柱台之上的精致佛塔始建于11世纪。

    The spiral-shaped Co Loa citadel complex is thought to date to around 200 B.C. A delicate pagoda perched atop a white column in the heart of the city is from the 11th century .

  3. 莽瑞体在孟人的主要佛塔上加建了新的塔顶。

    Tabinshwehti placed new spires on the chief Mon pagodas .

  4. 1997年,她与单身汉梅尔策相识于仰光(Yangon),于是她从联合国开发计划署(UNDevelopmentProgramme)辞职,与梅尔策一起开创飞越著名的薄甘(Bagan)千座佛塔的热气球旅游项目。

    In 1997 she met Melzer , then a footloose Australian , in Yangon , and left the UN Development Programme to help him pioneer balloon rides over the famous Bagan temple complex .

  5. 其他遗迹还包括几座稍小的佛塔,一座聚会厅(支提caitya),一个有碑铭的阿育王石柱,几座修道院(公元4–11世纪)。

    Other remains include several smaller stupas , an assembly hall ( caitya ), an Asokan pillar with inscription , and several monasteries ( 4th – 11th cent . CE ) .

  6. 庄严的佛塔,固守着这片苍凉的高原。

    A solemn pagoda is keeping guard for the desolate plateau .

  7. 浅析我国佛塔的建筑艺术成就

    An analysis of the architectural artistic achievements of Chinese buddhist pagodas

  8. 南传佛教佛塔的类型和演变

    The Style and Evolvement of the Stupa of Theravada Buddhism

  9. 王中之王是值得建佛塔的。

    A king of kings is worthy of a pagoda .

  10. 那一世,转山转水转佛塔。

    A lifetime gone , wandering through mountains , waters and stupas .

  11. 只有北方佛塔和寺庙是保存完好。

    Only the north pagoda and temple is well preserved .

  12. 九华山回香阁万佛塔结构动力分析

    Structure Dynamic Analysis of Jiuhua Mountain Huixiang Pavilion Ten Thousand Buddha Tower

  13. 一只四处漂泊的老鼠在佛塔顶上安了家。

    Wandering around a mouse in the pagoda on top of an home .

  14. 万佛塔结构加速度时程分析

    Structure acceleration time analysis of ten thousand buddha tower

  15. 佛塔的源流及中国塔刹形制研究

    Research for Origin-faction of Buddha Tower and Form Institution of Chinese Tower Temple

  16. 这是一座宋代的佛塔。

    This pagoda was built in the Song Dynasty .

  17. 这可不是佛塔,而是我们傣族的水井。

    This isn 't a Buddhist pagoda . It 's a Dai water-well .

  18. 本文试图对南传佛教佛塔的几个类型演变进行分析。

    This paper is try to analyze the evolvement of different type of the stupa .

  19. 为了表示对他的上师的尊敬,弥勒菩萨的前额上有一座佛塔。

    To show respect for his guru , Maitreya has a stupa on his forehead .

  20. 一般都把它装藏在佛塔里。

    It usually is put into stupa .

  21. 现在想起来,我小时候特别喜欢一样东西,就是佛塔。

    Nonetheless , I remembered there was something about Buddhism I particularly liked – the stupas .

  22. 佛塔已经全部建好了。

    The stupa was completed entirely .

  23. 魏晋南北朝时期佛寺、佛塔迅速发展。

    Temples and pagodas developed rapidly in the period of Weijin and Southern and Northern dynasties .

  24. 九华山回香阁万佛塔建于1782年,20世纪末因人为火灾而毁坏。

    The tower was built in 1782 and destroyed by fire in the end of 20 century .

  25. 佛塔标志了拉萨和加德满都最古老的贸易路线之一的所在。

    The structure marks the location of one of the ancient trading routes between Lhasa and Kathmandu .

  26. 从形制源流对本文所研究佛塔行进梳理,可以有助于我们在比较中进一步了解该区域佛塔的特质。

    To discuss the form headstream can help us understand the characterisitic of the stupa by compare .

  27. 某佛塔基础底板大体积混凝土裂缝控制新技术研究

    Research on new technology for controlling crack in the foundation base slab of mass concrete in certain stupa

  28. 宝达佛塔位于加德满都郊外,是世界上最大的佛塔之一。

    On the 13 ) outskirts of Kathmandu is one of the world 's largest Buddhist stupas , Boudhanath .

  29. 北京地区覆钵式佛塔是中华民族象征文化的重要组成部分,具有多种隐含的象征意义。

    It is an important component of Chinese nationality ' symbolism culture which contains various and many symbol meanings .

  30. 佛教的传播,与修造佛教寺庙、石窟、佛塔等建筑的活动有紧密的联系。

    Buddhism spread , and repaired buddhist temples , pagodas , and other buildings grottoes activities are closely linked .