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  1. 佛教传入中国已有二千年了。

    Buddhism has been introduced into China for two thousand years .

  2. 约2000年前,它随着佛教传入中国。

    About 2000 years ago , yoga spread to china with Buddhism .

  3. 佛教传入中国,影响中国人致深。

    The introduction of Buddhism into China influenced Chinese greatly .

  4. 从印度佛教传入中国看两种文化的冲突和融合

    Inter-Cultural Conflict and Harmony Seen in Light of the Introduction of India 's Buddhism into China

  5. 自从佛教传入中国后,寺观园林中的寺院园林也有了大发展。

    Since the introduction of Buddhism to China , the fane gardens have been great development .

  6. 佛教传入中国以后在弘扬自由意识、激发求真精神等方面对中国古典美学发生了深远影响。

    Having been introduced to China , Buddhism has a profound influence on China 's classic aesthetics .

  7. 内容简介佛教传入中国内地以后,与中国传统文化相融合,形成了具有民族特点的各种学派和宗派。

    Since being introduced to China , Buddhism has combined with traditional Chinese culture to form various schools , each with ethnic characteristics .

  8. 佛教传入中国之后,经长期传播发展,而形成中国佛教的特色。

    After the Buddhism was brought to China and it has been spread and developed for longtime by creating identical feature of Chinese Buddhism .

  9. 自佛教传入中国后,佛教发源的印度古国取代先秦神话的昆仑,成为建构新的西方想象的范型。

    After the introduction of Buddhism , the ancient India as the origin of Buddhism took the place of the Kunluns in the pre ?

  10. 自东汉末年佛教传入中国,佛教艺术逐渐成为中国历史上的一个大系。

    Since Buddhism spread to China during the Eastern Han Dynasty , Buddhist art has developed into a grand school of art in Chinese history .

  11. 佛教传入中国以后,在隋唐时期逐渐形成和产生了八大宗派,其发展达到巅峰时期。

    After Buddhism is introduced to China , eight Buddhist schools are gradually founded and their development reaches the highest stage in the Sui and Tang dynasties .

  12. 特别是佛教传入中国后,与中国传统的和合文化发生互融互渗,从而弱化了宗教的意味,拉近了与审美的关系。

    Especially after Buddhism came into China , it became a fusion of Chinese traditional harmonious culture , which weakened the religious significance and strengthened the aesthetic appreciation .

  13. 佛教传入中国后,随著佛教中国化的进程,佛教已成为中国传统文化的一部分。

    Buddhism was introduced into China now has more than two thousands years , along with the progress of Chinese Buddhism , Buddhism has become part of the traditional Chinese culture .

  14. 本论要解决的问题是:从佛教传入中国之日始,佛教表现艺术为其存在和发展做了什么?

    The main topics of this research are as follows : What kind of devotion the Buddhist Performing Arts made for the existence and development of the Buddhism since it has been introduced into China ?

  15. 佛教传入中国后,除了在义理上大力宣传以外,还更多地利用佛教典籍中大量的故事、寓言、譬喻、史诗等通俗易懂的形式,使佛教进一步走入广大的百姓中间。

    After it was introduced into China , Buddhism not only propagandized its religious doctrines , but also reached the Chinese people through easily understandable popular stories , fables , analogies and epics in Buddhist works .

  16. 佛教传入中国,成为中国文化史上的一件大事,而魏晋南北朝是佛教发展史上的黄金时代。

    The introduction of Buddhism was a great event in the history of Chinese culture , and Wei , Jin , and Southern and Northern dynasties period was the golden age in the history of Buddhism development .

  17. 佛教传入中国之初因受魏晋玄学的影响,主张缘起性空的般若学获得了很大的发展空间。

    Impacted by the metaphysics in Wei and Jin dynasties when Buddhism was introduced into China in the early stage , the Prajna study in Buddhism which maintains the theory of dependent origination and the Emptiness of Nature had found its great development .

  18. 东汉时期,佛教传入中国,皇帝下令,在正月第一个满月的晚上,必须点亮灯笼敬佛,这也使元宵节更增添了一份意义。

    When Buddhism was introduced to China during the Eastern Han Dynasty , the emperor decreed that on the night of the full moon of the first lunar month , lanterns should be lit to honor Buddha , adding yet another level of significance to Lantern Festival .

  19. 儒家伦理是儒学思想的核心,佛教在传入中国的过程中,其无父无君思想,首当其冲的与儒家伦理发生了冲撞。

    Because the Confucian ethics is the core of the Confucian persuasion , Buddhism is contradictory with Confucianism when Buddhism spread into China .

  20. 在佛教文化传入中国过程中这些譬喻不可避免受到印中文化的影响。

    In the course of the introduction of Buddhism to China , these metaphors and similes were inescapably influenced by Chinese and Indian cultures .

  21. 随着佛教逐渐传入中国,境除了表示主观精神体验之外(抽象之境),又被赋予了非有非无、包罗万象的新内涵(佛论之境)。

    When Buddhism was introduced into China , " Jing " was used to describe the subjective spirit experience ( abstractive ), and it was enriched with a variety of new connotations (" Jing " in Buddhism ) .

  22. 这种变化演进过程正是佛教从传入中国直至发展兴盛的过程,这一过程就体现在佛教造像的世俗化当中,那么造像的世俗化就是佛教中国化的体现。

    This change is from the evolution of buddhism into china and the development process , but this evolution process will be reflected in the buddhist statues dating from the secular , That the secular buddhist statue is chinese .

  23. 在长期对峙、融合中,四家样由佛教美术传入中国的实践者渐变为本土文化传统的建设者,其角色变化是文化交流的双向选择结果。

    In the long-term confrontation , integration , the " four styles of Chinese buddhist painting " changed from the practice of Chinese Buddhist art into the local cultural traditions builders , the changed role is the result of culture exchanging two-way choices .

  24. 佛教从印度传入中国。

    Buddhism was introduced to China from India .

  25. 佛教自东汉传入中国以来,经历了与中国传统文化冲突直至融合的过程。

    Buddhism introduced into China since the Eastern Han Dynasty , has been experiencing a conflict with the traditional Chinese culture until the integration process .

  26. 佛教自西汉传入中国,此后经过艰难曲折的发展,终于成为中国文化不可分割的一部分。

    Buddhism was introduced into China since the Former Han Dynasty , after a difficult and tortuous development has finally become an inseparable part of Chinese culture .

  27. 佛教从印度传入中国以后,在中国自由的信仰基础上沿袭、融合,形成具有中国特色的一种宗教。

    Since Buddhism spread from India to china , there have being forming a religion with Chinese characteristics , inheriting and combining the basis of Chinese free belief .

  28. 比如,佛教从印度传入中国后与中国传文化相结合,形成了有别于印度佛教的中国佛教。

    For instance , Buddhism had been integrated with the traditional Chinese culture after being spread to China from India , forming the Chinese Buddhism , which is different from the Indian one .

  29. 佛教自印度传入中国后经历了一个漫长的中国化过程,到了南朝时期佛教空前繁荣,这种体系完善的南朝佛教便逐渐传入其他国家和地区。

    Buddhism was introduced into China from India after all experienced a long process of Chinese , to the Southern dynasty Buddhism flourished , this system is complete in the Buddhism and gradually spread other countries and regions .

  30. 佛教自汉代传入中国内地,佛教文化交流成为中印文化交流的重要组成部分,交通无疑是交流的桥梁和纽带。

    As Buddhism was introduced into Chinese mainland since Han Dynasty , Buddhist culture communications between china and India became an important component in Sino-India cultural exchanges . It goes without saying that transportation in these areas is the bridge and link in the cultural exchange .