
  • 网络Buddhist Shrine;Buddhist Holy Land;holy land of buddhism;Buddhist resort
  1. 五台山佛教圣地的形成与发展

    The Formation and Development of Wutai Mountains ' Buddhist Holy Land

  2. 位于陕西省扶凤县城北之佛教圣地。

    Scenic Famen north of the Fu Feng Town , Shaanxi Province .

  3. 黄羊山上的千年古刹清凉寺是我国北方地区著名的佛教圣地。

    Millennium Temple Hill Huangyangchuan Qingliangsi northern areas of China 's well-known Buddhist holy sites .

  4. 本厂座落在风景秀丽、人文荟萃的佛教圣地&九华山。

    The factory is located in the beautiful scenery , cultural blend of Buddhist shrines-Jiuhua Mountain .

  5. 曼德勒的肮脏无序掩盖了它作为缅甸文化中心和佛教圣地的地位。

    Mandalay 's grimy disarray belies its role as Burma 's cultural and religious centre of Buddhism .

  6. 鸡足山风景秀丽、寺庙林立,是我国著名的佛教圣地之一。

    With beautiful scenery and many temples , Jizu Mountain is one of the most famous Holy Lands for Buddhism .

  7. 罗浮山,素有“岭南第一山”、“第七洞天”、“第三十二福地”等诸多美誉,是驰誉国内外的道教、佛教圣地。

    Luofu Moutain is well-known as the NO.1 Mountain in South China , the seventh Taoist Place and the32nd Taoist Land .

  8. 布达拉宫位于拉萨市的玛布日山上。布达拉,梵语意为“佛教圣地”。

    Potala palace , situated on the Hongshan hill in lhasa , means " the sacred palace of buddhism " in sanskrit .

  9. 位于山西五台县东北、高居海拔两千四百八十五公尺至三千五十八公左右的五台山,是中国历朝顶礼膜拜的佛教圣地。

    Located in the northeast of Sanshi Province , Wu-Tai Mountain is not merely a high mountain but a traditional important Buddhistic holly place in China .

  10. 五台山作为我国四大佛教圣地之一早在东汉时期就享有盛名,于唐朝时达到鼎盛。

    As one of four Buddhist holy sites in China , Mountain Wutai was very famous as early as the Eastern Han Dynasty , and reached its peak in the Tang Dynasty .

  11. 上周,自打他在佛教圣地峨眉山遭猴子戏谑的视频传到网上后,延参法师一跃成为了网络红人。

    Yancan first rose to online prominence last week , when a video of him being harassed by monkeys near E'Mei Mountain , a sacred Buddhist site , was uploaded to the Internet .

  12. 调息,或者是呼吸控制法的技巧,是截拳道、空手道、柔道和相扑的一个显著特征,是从印度的佛教圣地传播到远东的很多技巧之一。

    The technique of pranayama or breathing control , which is a prominent feature of tae-kwan-do , karate , judo and sumo wrestling was one of the many techniques spread in the Far East by Buddhist Pilgrims from india .

  13. 敦煌石窟是世界上现存规模最大、内容最丰富的佛教艺术圣地,是东方艺术殿堂中的奇葩。

    Dunhuang Grottoes is the most abundant largest , the world Buddhism holy land , is the flower of Oriental Art .

  14. 完成后,从另一处佛教艺术圣地——敦煌莫高窟——请来的专家将重新画上部分彩绘。

    After that , experts from the Mogao Caves of Dunhuang , another sanctuary of Buddhist art , are expected to restore some of the paint .

  15. 康提古城的佛牙寺里收存着佛祖的圣牙,是著名的佛教朝圣圣地。

    It is also the site of the Temple of the Tooth Relic ( the sacred tooth of the Buddha ), which is a famous pilgrimage site .

  16. 一千四百年间,经过无数能工巧匠、善男信女的历代踵修,终于建成了庞大的佛教禅林和文化圣地。教育的目的是用能工巧匠接受新思想的头脑去取代一个空虚的灵魂。(美国教育家福布斯)

    After 1,400 years of reconstruction and refurbishment by countless artisans and pilgrims , it finally became an enormous Buddhist temple and cultural Mecca . The purpose of education is to replace an empty mind with an open one . ( Malcolm Forbes , american educator )

  17. 三寺之名由清朝乾隆皇帝命名。它们共享一个渊源深厚的佛教文化背景,帮助杭州该地区获得了“天竺佛教圣地”的殊荣。

    The three temples share a deep Buddhist heritage , helping the region of Hangzhou earn the honorary title " The Buddhist Heaven of Tianzhu . "