
  1. 该病毒是布尼亚病毒的一个新的变种,而布尼亚感染常见于许多脊柱动物和节肢动物。

    The virus has been identified as a new variation of the Bunyaviridae , commonly found in vertebrates and arthropods .

  2. 他解释在几百万年前,在脊柱动物的进化史上有一次主要的改变。

    He explains that hundreds of millions of years ago , there was a major split in the evolutionary tree of vertebrates .

  3. 后者是陆地脊柱动物的祖先,他们当中的一些还保持着探测电磁场的能力。

    The latter gave rise to land vertebrates , some of which , such as the Mexican axolotl salamanders , retained electrosense ability .

  4. 结果:成功建立脊柱结核动物模型。

    Results : The spondylocace model was successfully established in rabbits .

  5. 有脊索但无真正的脊柱鱼类动物。

    Fishlike animals having a notochord rather than a true spinal column .

  6. 幼犬脊柱侧凸动物模型的建立

    Scoliosis creation in an immature dog model

  7. 目的通过鸡松果体蒂部切断的方法,研究褪黑素在松果体切除鸡脊柱侧凸动物模型中的作用。

    Objective To find the role of melatonin in the pathogenesis of chicken 's scoliosis via excision of pineal stalk .

  8. 显性脊柱裂动物模型膀胱胆碱乙酰转移酶多巴胺β羟化酶和降钙素基因相关肽表达的研究

    Expression of choline acetyl transferase , dopamine - β - hydroxylase and calcitonin gene related peptide in rats with spinal bifida aperta

  9. 相关对比研究发现,在诱导体内异位成骨和脊柱融合的动物实验中,LMP-1的效能强于BMP-2。

    Animal experiments demonstrated that LMP-1 is more potent than BMP-2 in inducing ectopic bone formation and spinal fusion .

  10. 退变性脊柱侧凸的动物试验研究及影像学观察

    The Animal Model of De Novo Scoliosis and Imageology Observation

  11. 先天性脊柱畸形是动物的各种脊椎形成异常的总称。

    Congenital vertebral anomalies are a collection of malformations of the spine in animals .

  12. 本文用21只兔研究同种脱钙骨的实验性脊柱融合,实验动物分三组:脱钙骨粉组;

    This paper reports a study of experimental spinal fusion with allograft of decalcified bone in 21 rabbits .

  13. 前言:目的:设计山羊脊柱内固定的动物模型,研究脊柱内固定对固定邻近椎间盘胶原的影响。

    Objective : A goats model was used to study the biological effect on the adjacent intervertebral disc induced by internal spinal instrumentation .

  14. 方法:设计山羊长节段及短节段脊柱内固定的动物模型,对固定6个月后近头侧两个邻近关节突关节进行光镜、扫描电镜及透射电镜的观察。

    Methed : The light microscops , transmission and scanning electronic microscops were performed on cartilage of adjacent joint facet cephalad to multi segments and short segmental spinal internal fixation in 10 goats at 6 months postoperatively .

  15. 目的以较小损伤脊柱结构的方法建立进展性、结构性犬胸腰段脊柱侧弯动物模型。

    Objective To found a progressive and structural thoracolumbar scoliosis model with less trauma .