
  • 网络spinal cord trauma;injury of spinal cord
  1. 脊髓外伤的MR表现与临床

    MRI and Clinical Manifestations of Spinal Cord Trauma

  2. 10例水肿型脊髓外伤表现表面弥散系数(ADC)减低,ADC图低信号;18例椎间盘突出ADC增高,ADC图高信号。

    10 cases of spinal cord contusion ( edema-type ) showed low signals on ADC map and 18 cases of cervical spondylosis showed high signals on ADC map .

  3. 结论:BMSCs和BDNF联合移植对急性脊髓外伤性截瘫的结构和功能有更好的修复作用。

    Conclusions : It is more effective for structural and functional recovery of traumatic paraplegia of spinal cord adopting combined therapy of BMSCs and BDNF .

  4. 脊髓外伤的主要原因是交通事故(45.4%),少部分是高处坠落(16.8%)和运动损伤(16.3%)引起,在我国因矿难事故而致SCI数也是惊人的。

    The primary cause of SCI is road accident ( 45.4 % ), and other causes include falling from high locality and athletic injury whereas the SCI caused by colliery accident is striking in China .

  5. 背景及目的:N-甲基-D-门冬氨酸受体(NMDAR)过度激活所介导的兴奋毒性与脑血管疾病、癫痫、脑脊髓外伤、神经退行性疾病等许多神经、精神疾患的发生发展密切相关。

    Background : The N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor ( NMDAR ) plays a pivotal role in the process of glutamate-induced excitotoxicity associated with many neurological disorders including stroke , epilepsy , traumatic brain injury and some neurodegenerative diseases .

  6. 本周版“自然医学杂志”上,科学家们称,他们已经发现了一种能够让因脊髓外伤而瘫痪的小鼠重新行走的方法。

    Scientists said they 've found a way to enable mice paralyzed by spinal cord injuries walk again , according to a study published in this week 's edition of the journal Nature Medicine .

  7. 对象:选择1998-04/2001-08哈尔滨医科大学附属第二医院脊柱外科入院的颈椎脊髓外伤患者32例。

    PARTICIPANTS : A total of 32 patients with cervical spinal cord injury were selected from the Department of Spine Surgery of the Second Hospital affiliated to Harbin Medical University from April 1998 to August 2001 . All patients were divided into two groups according to randomly alternative criteria .

  8. 本文总结了60例施行带蒂大网膜脊髓移植治疗外伤性截瘫的麻醉处理。

    The anesthetic management of 60 cases of traumatic paraplegia undergoing mass omentum-spinal transplantation is reviewed .

  9. 带蒂肌瓣脊髓内移植治疗外伤性截瘫28例

    Treatment for 28 Cases of Traumatic Paraplegia by Intramedullary Transplantation of Pedicled Muscle Flap

  10. 经后路用骨刀行脊髓前减压术治疗外伤性截瘫25例报告

    Decompression of anterior spinal cord from posterior and osteotome for traumatic paraplegia : a report of 25 cases

  11. 目的比较氟骨症性胸椎管狭窄症后路减压手术中,应用骨刀和非骨刀两种减压方式。经后路用骨刀行脊髓前减压术治疗外伤性截瘫25例报告

    Objective To compare the advantage and defect of two decompression techniques using bone knife or not for treatment of thoracic spinal stenosis of skeletal fluorosis . Decompression of anterior spinal cord from posterior and osteotome for traumatic paraplegia : a report of 25 cases