
guǒ nóng
  • fruit farmer;orchardist;orchardman;orchard worker
果农 [guǒ nóng]
  • [fruit farmer] 栽培果树,从事果品生产的农民

果农[guǒ nóng]
  1. 销售组织不力果农是一盘散沙,各自为政,无序竞争,也没有科学的营销策略和方法,所以无法与国际大市场接轨;

    The incompetent orchardman of sale organisation is the a sheet of loose sand , Each does things in his own way , Disorder contest , There is not scientific knowledge marketing tactics and the means yet , Therefore can not join the track against the great marketplace of internation .

  2. 我们没有把他们送进监狱,而是让他们帮种柠檬的果农干活儿。

    Instead of sending them to prison , we have set them to work helping the lemon growers .

  3. 在此基础上,通过CD生产函数分析有机苹果生产经营的内外部环境,研究各因素对已采用有机种植方式的果农经营行为的影响以及相应的显著程度。

    On the basis of analysis of operation will , the paper analyzes internal and external environment of organic apple operations through the C-D production function , and then , research the factors ' which affect the farmers ' operating behavior and the corresponding impact significance .

  4. 提出的果农复合系统开沟断根结合肥料深施技术,可使土壤含水量提高30%,苹果Maluspumila产量提高28%;

    A new fertilize application technique for apple ( Malus pumila ) and crops intercropping systems , combined with ditching , root pruning and fertilize deep placement , could increase soil water moisture by 30 % and increase fruit yields by 28 % .

  5. 果农复合系统中果树根系空间分布特征

    Spatial distribution characteristics of apple tree roots in the Apple-wheat Intercropping

  6. 受检林场工人及果农440人,刺蛾成虫或/和幼虫抗原强阳性者36例,阳性率为8.2%。

    The positive rates of them were 58.3 % and 8.2 % .

  7. 漫长的雨天给果农带来了麻烦。

    A prolonged wet spell causes trouble for fruit farmers .

  8. 水果协会还不是果农的自发组织。

    The fruit association is not just voluntary organization of the fruit grower .

  9. 从那时起,我就渴望成为一个果农。

    Ever since then I 've had a hankering to be a fruit grower .

  10. 果农复合系统根系分布格局与生长动态研究

    Distribution pattern and growing dynamics of the roots system in apple wheat intercropping system

  11. 平原农区果农间作种植模式研究

    A Preliminary Study on Models for Fruit Tree-crop Interplanting in Agricultural Regions of Plain

  12. 现代果农的8种转型和心系的110个问题

    Modern Fruit of Eight Kinds of Transformation and The Heart of The 110 Problems

  13. 因此,科学家敦促果农单独存放苹果。

    As a result , the scientists urged fruit producers to store apples separately .

  14. 霜冻是果农很难抗拒的最大敌人。

    The frost is the greatest enemy the fruit-growers have much to contend with .

  15. 晋西黄土区果农间作界面土壤水分分布

    Soil Moisture Distribution at Fruit-Crop Intercropping Boundary in the Loess Region of Western Shanxi

  16. 台湾的果农和水产商可以直接带他们的产品过来。

    Taiwan 's fruit growers and aquatic products dealers can carry agricultural products with them .

  17. 果农和菜农收获的作物无法及时运到欧洲,也都坏掉。

    Fruit and vegetable producers have also lost crops that could not travel to Europe .

  18. 陕西猕猴桃果农追肥比例较低,尤其是钾肥的追施比例。

    The ratio of fertilizer rate in topdressing is low , especially for the potassium fertilizer .

  19. 低温,旱灾,洪涝促使果农减少产量,导致供不应求。

    Cold weather , droughts and floods have hit growers , reducing output and causing supply shortages .

  20. 了解基因对抵御这种疾病的作用,就能帮助果农培育出更结实,抗病能力更强的香蕉。

    Knowing the genes responsible for this resistance could help breeders create stronger , more resistant bananas .

  21. 此外,国外引进的作业机价格昂贵,大部分果农不具备这样的购买力。

    In addition , the machines introduction from foreign are expensive , most farmers have not the purchasing power .

  22. 懒汉看到了果农,害怕极了,跳下树就朝附近的一片森林跑去,藏了起来。

    The lazy man saw the farmer , got afraid and ran towards a nearby forest to hide himself .

  23. 在大力推进林果业产业化经营的过程中,分散的果农与社会化大市场的矛盾越发突显。

    Vigorously promote the fruit industry , industrial management , dispersed farmers market and social contradictions become more prominent .

  24. 对于果树园林业发展来说,减轻了果农劳动强度,提高了果园作业效率。

    The orchard forestry development , alleviate the farmers labor intensity , improve the working efficiency of the orchard .

  25. 但是由于苹果生长的客观规律,苹果生产的特点使得果农面对的市场风险较大。

    However , features of apple production put its growers at risk because of the objective laws of apple growth .

  26. 果农复合经营模式效益分析&以上海市南汇区桃树-青菜复合模式为例

    Benefit Analysis Of Fruit-crops Compound Management Model & Take Peach-brassica Chinensis Compound Model In Shanghai City Nanhui Area As Example

  27. 但现阶段果农使用的育果袋在质量上和苹果生产发达国家相比还存在一定差距。

    But now the quality of fruit-cultivating bags used by fruit growers is relatively poorer than that of developed countries .

  28. 果树作为一种经济作物,果农生产的目的是获得较高的经济效益。

    Fruit tree is a kind of cash crop , the purpose to product fruit is to acquire higher economic efficiency .

  29. 果业产业化经营是稳定和发展果业生产,增加果农收入的重要途径。

    The fruit industry industrial management is an important way which stabilizes and develops fruit industry , increase the income of growers .

  30. 一旦售出后出现质量问题,就让果农“对号入座”,承担应有的处罚。

    In the event a quality problem arises from the apples after they 're bought , growers could also be held responsible .