
  1. 分公司的美女果然多。

    Branch was more than beauty .

  2. 说着他们拖起网来,打着的鱼果然不多。

    And when they pulled up their net , they had not caught many fish .

  3. 她们采纳乔的建议,把长长的缝口分为四段,分别称为欧洲、亚洲、非洲和美洲。这样果然缝得快多了。她们一边缝一边谈论针线穿越的不同国家,更觉进展神速。

    They adopted Jo 's plan of dividing the long seams into four parts , and calling the quarters Europe , Asia , Africa , and America , and in that way got on capitally , especially when they talked about the different countries as they their way through them .

  4. 不过有一天,弗雷德借着一阵好风,将船驶到了怀特岛,一路上非常顺利,除了在回来的路上撞到了浮标。图灵随口说了一句“我果然应该对浮标多加注意”,

    But one day Fred took the helm over to the Isle of Wight , helped by a favourable wind , and all went well except that on the way back they bumped into a buoy and Alan said , without thinking , ' I really ought to be a bit more careful with buoys . '