
  • 网络Fiber
  1. 豆渣/薯渣纤维食品的开发研究

    Study on the development of fiber food from Bean-dregs / Potato-dregs

  2. 它是高膳食纤维食品的良好原料。

    It is a kind of new material to high dietary fiber food .

  3. 最好的生活方式是改变饮食习惯,食用低糖、高纤维食品。

    The best philosophy is to change your food habits to a low-sugar , high-fibre diet

  4. 挤压加工是纤维食品生产的重要方法。

    Extrusion is an important way of making fibre food .

  5. 含纤维食品物料的湿法粉碎

    The Studies on the Wet-shattering Applied on the Fiber-food-material

  6. 因此,高纤维食品是适用于糖尿病患者的疗效食品。

    This study indicates that the high fibre diet is benificial for diabetic patients .

  7. 选择低脂高纤维食品并保持健康体重。

    Chooses low fat high textile fiber food and the maintenance healthy body weight .

  8. 绝大多数实验对象对膳食纤维食品的口感、饱腹感及总体感觉评价良好(88.5%)。

    Most of the experimental subjects considered the dietary fiber fine ( 88.5 % ) .

  9. 麦麸品质的动态内涵与纤维食品的开发利用

    The dynamic intension of the quality of wheat middling and the development of fiber food

  10. 草纤维食品包装膜

    Food packaging film made of straw fibre

  11. 3.食用高纤维食品

    Step 3 Include fiber in your diet

  12. 高纤维食品对糖尿病的实验治疗及临床疗效观察

    The therapeutic effects of a high fibre diet on the experimental diabetes and clinical diabetes mellitus

  13. 发达国家对于膳食纤维食品的研究和应用自20世纪90年代开始掀起了高潮。

    The developed country has paid more attention to research and application of dietary fiber from 1990s .

  14. 纤维食品的挤压加工技术

    Extrusion Technology of Fibre Food

  15. 多吃复合碳水化合物,比如全麦食品能够平稳血糖A,高纤维食品能够提高饱腹感。

    Focusing on complex carbs like whole grains helps stabilize blood sugar , and lots of fiber increases satiety .

  16. 我们应该多吃低脂肪高纤维食品来保持健康。

    In order to keep health , we should eat much more food low in fat and high in fiber .

  17. 本文着重论述了纤维食品挤压加工的设备、机理、工艺、目前存在的问题及解决办法。

    This paper has mainly discussed on the exist problems of extruded equipments methodology technology , and solution of fibre food .

  18. 高纤维食品不仅让你饿得慢,也能降低胰岛素水平,缩减脂肪细胞。

    Foods high in fiber not only keep you full longer but they also lower insulin levels and may shrink fat cells .

  19. 问卷调查试验对象对膳食纤维食品的评价,评价包括口感、饱腹感和总体感觉。

    Evaluation ( including sense of flavour , the feeling of full and collectivity evaluation ) for dietary fiber was investigated by questionnaire .

  20. 结论:食用高膳食纤维食品可明显改善糖尿病症状,在应用上应选择优质膳食纤维研制降血糖食品。

    Conclusion : The foods high in dietary fibres are recommended as foods for diabetic patients and the good quality dietary fibres are preferable .

  21. 以天然食物配制的高纤维食品含较高的粗纤维及蛋白质,并富有多种必需氨基酸和锌、铬等微量元素。

    The therapeutic effects of a high fibre diet composed of naturally high fibre foodstuffs containing protein , various essential amino acids and trace elements ( Zn , Cr etc. )

  22. 实验结果表明,生产大豆膳食纤维食品的关键工艺&挤压膨化的最佳条件为:挤压温度160℃,加水量30%,淀粉添加量40%。

    The result indicates that the optimum condition of pivotal craftwork of bean diet fiber food : the extrusion temperature is 160 ℃, the adding water is 30 % and the adding starch is 40 % .

  23. 小麦麸皮膳食纤维在食品中的应用

    The dietary fiber from wheat bran and their application to foods

  24. 2009年食品功能化新潮流&膳食纤维强化食品的市场机遇

    New trend of functional foods in 2009 & Opportunities of high-fiber foods

  25. 其它富含纤维的食品是椰菜花。

    Other good sources of fiber are cauliflower and broccoli .

  26. 灵芝型优良膳食纤维方便食品的研制

    Development of Ganoderma lucidum-fermented Instant Food with High-quality Dietary Fiber

  27. 大豆膳食纤维膨化食品的研制与开发

    Development of the Extrusion Food of Soybean Dietary Fiber

  28. 麦麸纤维功能食品缓解便秘食疗效果

    The Effects of Relaxing Constipation of the Functional Food of Wheat Bran Fibre

  29. 高纤维休闲食品的研究

    A Study on High Fibre Snack Food

  30. 高膳食纤维儿童食品的研制

    Manufacture of rich fibre food for children