
  • 网络Fibrinolytic Agents;fibrinolytic drugs;fibrinolytics;fibrinocytic drugs
  1. 其他还可选用纤维蛋白溶解药、抑制血小板聚集药,以及中药生地、山药;

    Other medicines , for example , fibrinolytics and drugs inhibiting the aggregation of platelet , some Chinese traditional medicines can be used also .

  2. 抗纤维蛋白溶解药和钙拮抗剂部分通过影响ET含量而发挥作用。

    Antifibrinolytic therapy and calcium antagonists action on SAH partly depended on affecting content of ET in plasma .

  3. 目的:探讨蛛网膜下隙出血(SAH)后血浆NO、ET含量变化及抗纤维蛋白溶解药氨甲苯酸和钙拮抗剂尼莫地平对其影响。

    Aim : To observe the changes of nitric oxide ( NO ) and endothelin ( ET ) contents in plasma after subarachnoid hemorrhage ( SAH ), and to investigate the effects of antifibrinolytic therapy and calcium antagonists on their changes .