
  • 网络cellulose fiber;cellulosic fibers;cellulose fibre;Lyocell
  1. 纤维素纤维超临界CO2染色机理研究

    Study on the Mechanism of Dyeing of Cellulose Fiber by Supercritical CO_2

  2. Tencel是一种全新的纤维素纤维。

    Tencel is a newly cellulose fiber .

  3. 本文对还原桃红R普通粉在纤维素纤维上的还原染色条件、染色方法进行了研究。

    The dyeing method and condition for Vat Pink R Powder on the cellulose fibre were studied .

  4. 本文从纤维和细小纤维的结构和化学组成入手,主要论述了纤维和细小纤维的湿部化学特性,并重点探讨了打浆度、pH值和铝盐对纤维素纤维动电特性的影响。

    The structure and chemical constitution , and the influ-ence of beating degree , pH value and alum on their electrokinetic characteristics were discussed in detail .

  5. 本文对纤维素纤维改性剂CM的合成及其应用性能进行了研究,得到了最佳轧烘焙改性工艺及活性染料染色工艺。

    An optimal process of padding & Curing modification and reactive dyeing is conducted based on the synthesis and application researches of modifier CM .

  6. 纤维素纤维KN型活性染料最优化染色技术

    Optimized Dyeing of Cellulosic Fibers with KN Type Reactive Dyes

  7. 多种因素如PVC、纤维素纤维的改性处理、加工条件等都将影响泡孔形态与制品的物理机械性能。

    Many factors such as the surface modification of PVC matrix and cellulose-fiber , processing conditions all affected the cell morphology and physical properties .

  8. 纤维素纤维的增深剂FF

    Cellulosic fibre deep dyeing promoter FF

  9. TCF纤维生产工艺是一种新型、绿色环保纤维素纤维技术。

    The TCF production technology is a new , green cellulose fiber technique .

  10. Tencel纤维是一种能满足生态方面对生产技术要求的新型纤维素纤维。

    Tencel fibre is a new cellulose fibre which can meet the demand of ecology on productive technology .

  11. 染色酸RS为复合型有机酸,在高温条件下不会造成纤维素纤维水解降强,有很好的安全性和高温染色适用性。

    Dyeing acid RS is a composite organic acid , it will not cause cellulose hydrolysis at high temperature , and has good safety and applicability at high temperature .

  12. 纤维素纤维在超声波作用下发生细胞壁层的脱除,使高反应性能的S2层微纤维暴露,对提高纤维素的可及度和化学反应性能非常有利。

    The exposure and the fibrillation of S2 layer contribute much to the enhancement of the accessibility and reactivity of cellulose fibers .

  13. 纤维素纤维阳离子改性剂PECH-amine的研制

    Synthesis and Application of Cationic Modifying Agent ( PECH-amine ) for Cellulosic Fibres

  14. Tencel纤维是于二十世纪八十年代由英国Courtaulds公司研制生产的新型纤维素纤维。

    Tencel fiber that was researched by Courtaulds company in the 1980 's is a new regenerated cellulose fiber .

  15. 笔者认为在众多的纤维新品种中,新型纤维素纤维、茂系催化剂间规聚丙烯纤维、新型聚酯PTT纤维将成为老品种的强有力的竞争对手。

    Among the new fibers , new cellulosic fiber , syndiotactic PP fiber synthesized by metallocene catalyst and PTT filler will become the big competitors against the conventional fibers .

  16. 通过自由基接枝聚合方法由丙烯腈(AN)单体和纤维素纤维(CF)制取一种具有聚丙烯腈(PAN)表层的改性纤维素纤维(PANCF)。

    Modified cellulose fibers ( PAN CF ) having a polyacrylonitrile ( PAN ) layers on the surface were prepared from acrylonitrile ( AN ) monomer and cellulose fibers ( CF ) by free radical graft polymerization .

  17. 功能蛋白质组学多官能团纤维素纤维改性剂EPTA的应用研究

    A Study on the Behaviours of Cellulose Modifier EPTA with Multi - Functional Groups

  18. 用分光光度滴定法在不同温度、不同pH值条件下测定了纤维素纤维接枝β-环糊精与苯二酚类分子形成超分子包合物的表观热力学参数。

    The complex stability constants for the 1 ∶ 1 inclusion complexation of various dihydroxybenzenes ( pyrocatechol , hydroquinone , resorcinol ) with cellulose fibre grafted β - cyclodextrin have been determined by means of spectrophotometric titrations at different temperatures in aqueous solutions with different pH values .

  19. DMEU与纤维素纤维反应的研究

    A Study of the Reaction of Cellulose Fibers with DMEU

  20. 以二甲基亚砜(DMSO)/多聚甲醛(PF)为溶剂,添加柿叶活性成分,应用湿法纺丝技术,制得含柿叶提取物的再生纤维素纤维。

    A regenerated cellulose fiber containing active component of persimmon leaves was prepared via wet spinning by u-sing dimethylsulfoxide ( DMSO ) / paraformaldehyde ( PF ) as a solvent and adding active component of persimmon leaves .

  21. Polynosic、Tencel等高性能再生纤维素纤维的大规模的生产正好解决了近年来棉花产量下降与纤维素纤维需求量增加之间的矛盾。

    Therefore , the consumption of the cellulosic fiber increased . The scale production of high performance viscose fiber such as Polynosic and Tencel has just made up recent year 's cotton output drop .

  22. TETS改性为纤维素纤维的交联胺化改性以及实现活性染料的酸性(或中性)无盐染色提供了一条新的途径。

    TETS modification provided a new way both for simultaneous modifying and crosslinking of cellulosic fibres and for sour ( or neutral ) and salt-free dyeing of reactive dyes .

  23. 目前,关于聚环氧氯丙烷胺化物PECH-amine的研究报道已经有很多,但主要都是研究PECH-amine对棉麻等纤维素纤维织物的改性以及改性纤维纤维的活性、直接等染料染色性能。

    Currently there are many researches about the PECH-amine , but they are mainly about the modification of cotton or other cellulose fibers with PECH-amine and also the dyeing performance of modified fabric on reactive or direct dyes .

  24. 论述了以Fe2(SO4)3·xH2O和TEA为氧化还原媒介对还原艳绿FFB在纤维素纤维上进行的间接电化学染色的各种影响因素,并比较了还原剂染色和电化学染色的结果。

    The dyeing Conditions of green vat dye FFB in cellulose with the oxidation-reduction system of Fe 2 ( SO 4 ) 3 · x H 2O and TEA by indirect electrolysis are discussed . The results of reducing agent and indirect electrolysis are compared .

  25. 该改性纤维的水吸附保持值(WRV)、等渗盐水吸附保持值(SRV)和新鲜血浆吸附保持值(BRV)分别为原纤维素纤维的8.5倍,2.5倍和1.7倍。

    The water retention value ( WRV ), saline retention value ( SRV ) and fresh blood retention value ( BRV ) of the modified fibres are 8 . 5 times , 2.5 times and 1 . 7 times higher than the original cellulose fibres .

  26. 金属酞菁接枝纤维素纤维及其消臭性能

    Grafting metal phthalocyanine onto the cellulose fiber and its deodorizing effect

  27. 新型纤维素纤维抗皱防缩剂的制备

    Preparation of New Type Crease Resisting Anti-shrinkage Agent for Cellulosic Fibre

  28. 碳纤维用新型纤维素纤维原丝的研制

    Studies on New Cellulosic Fiber for the Precursor of Carbon Fiber

  29. 用离子型液体制造纤维素纤维的新进展

    New developments in the manufacture of cellulose fibers with ionic liquids

  30. 细菌纤维素纤维对纸张增强作用的研究

    Studies on improving the strength properties of sheets by bacterial cellulose