
  • 网络fiber density;Fibre Density
  1. 用AchE染色法观察损伤切口两侧纤维密度的变化。

    AchE stain method was used for observating the change of cholinergic fiber density .

  2. 重症肌无力患者Jitter值及肌纤维密度测定研究

    Jitter and Fiber Density Study in Myasthenia Gravis

  3. 采用参量变换法研究了PVA和甘油含量分别对纤维密度和收缩率的影响;

    The influence on fibers density and shrinkage by PVA and glycerin content is studied via parameter-transformation procession .

  4. 实验组应用NGF后胆碱能神经纤维密度较心梗组升高。

    The density of the cholinergic fibers in experimental group using NGF is much higher than that in AMI group .

  5. 电镜观察显示A、D组中段神经纤维密度大、直径大、髓鞘厚,内有发育良好的神经丝和微管。B、C组神经稀、直径小、髓鞘薄、无髓神经相对多。

    The neurofibrillae , in which there were well developed neurofilaments and microtubules , were more dense , bigger in diameter and had thicker myelin sheaths in groups A and D than that in groups B and C.

  6. 脑内AchE纤维密度提高及海马神经元密度增加是bFGF作用产生的可能机制。

    The increasing of AchE fiber density and neuron density is the possible mechanism of the behavior effect of bFGF on dementia rats .

  7. 大鼠肠系膜上动脉和静脉各级分支中NPY免疫反应神经纤维密度的相关分析

    Correlative analysis of density of NPY-containing nerve fibres in the superior mesenteric artery and vein and their branches of rat

  8. AD治疗组Y迷宫学习及记忆能力较AD对照组有改善(P<0.01),基底前脑皮层及海马各区AchE纤维密度亦有所增加(P<0.01),但是没达到正常对照组的水平(P<0.01)。

    Comparison to AD control group , learning and memory abilities of AD treatmemt group were improved and the density of AchE fiber was increased significantly ( P < 0.01 ) .

  9. IAN切片行甲苯胺兰染色后进行神经纤维密度、平均髓鞘厚度测量和透射电镜观察。

    IAN sections were stained with toluidine blue for evaluation of fiber density and mean myelinated fiber diameter and also studied using TEM .

  10. 20mg/kg剂量时红、白肌纤维密度均达极显著水平(P<0.01)。

    And the both densities of RMF and white muscle fiber ( WMF ) in the treatment of 20 mg / kg increased very significantly ( P < 0 01 ) .

  11. 对老年大鼠行单侧穹窿伞横断术,术后2周,用Morris水迷宫试验及乙酰胆碱酯酶(AchE)染色观察大鼠的学习记忆及海马AchE阳性纤维密度的变化。

    He aged rats were tested in the Morris Water Maze and their hippocampi were stained with AchE two weeks after unilateral transection of the fimbria-fornix .

  12. 结果SUI组和POP组患者肛提肌肌纤维密度减小,被丰富的纤维结缔组织充填、取代。

    Results The morphological features of levator ani muscle in SUI and POP group included the muscular fiber density decreased and separated by large amounts of dense connective tissue .

  13. 组化结果显示:NAI组海马结构胆碱能纤维密度较SO组明显增加(P<0.05)。

    The histochemical study revealed a higher cholinergic fiber density in hippocampal formation of NAI-treatment group than that of simple-injury group .

  14. 结果急性缺氧组与正常对照组相比,NOS阳性产物无论在分布、染色深浅、纤维密度及NOS阳性胞体数目上,差异均无显著意义(P>0.05)。

    Results There was no significant difference in the number of NOS-positive neuronal bodies and the density of NOS positive fibers between acute hypoxic rats and the normal controls ( P > 0.05 ) .

  15. 皮质各层中,颗粒细胞外层及Purkinje细胞层纤维密度最高,呈树枝状分布;

    In the cerebellar cortex , the densest fibers and plexus presented in the external granule cell and Purkinje cell layers .

  16. 因此,电刺激小脑顶核可增加梗死区和非梗死区心肌组织TH、CHAT染色阳性神经纤维密度,促进MI后心脏神经纤维再生。

    FNS could increase the density of sympathetic or vagus nerve fibers for TH or CHAT staining positive in IZ and NIZ in myocardium of MI rats , so FNS could promote cardiac nerve regeneration .

  17. 海马AchE阳性纤维密度与逃避潜伏期成负相关,与跨原平台象限时间百分比呈正相关。

    Correlation analysis showed that the densities of AchE-rich fibers in hippocampus had significantly negative correlation with the escape latency , and positive correlation with time percentage of straddling the origin platform quadrant .

  18. 与正常对照受试者比较,各组患者神经肌肉颤抖值均增大(P0.05),纤维密度增加(P0.05),周围神经病组患者的神经肌肉颤抖值和纤维密度改变尤为显著(P001)。

    Compared with the normal subjects , neuromuscular jitter and fiber density increased in all patients ( P 0.05 ), especially in the patients with neuropathy ( P 0.01 ) .

  19. SUI组和POP组患者肛提肌组织形态学表现为肌纤维密度降低,排列紊乱,被大量的结缔组织填充、取代,肌纤维周围炎性细胞浸润;

    The muscular fiber density of levator ani muscles in SUI and POP groups was decreased , fibers were arranged in disorder and separated by large quantities of dense connective tissues with infiltrating inflammatory cells .

  20. 在固定期第14d时对新生骨痂进行骨量百分比定量分析,对IAN切片进行神经纤维密度和平均髓鞘厚度测量。

    At consolidation time of 14 d , regenerate bone specimens were subjected to BV / TV analysis and IAN specimens to fiber density and mean myelinated fiber diameter analysis .

  21. 实验组6J鼠坐骨神经总有髓纤维密度低于Ola鼠(P<0.05);

    In the experimental group , the total density of sciatic nerve medullated fibers in 6J rats was lower than that of Ola rat ( P < 0.05 );

  22. 结果表明,肌肉IMF与pH1、pH2、肌纤维密度呈正相关,而与烹饪损失、肌肉剪切力、肌纤维直径呈负相关。

    The intramuscular fat ( IMF ) was positively related with pH1 , pH2 , and muscle fibre density , but negatively with muscle cooking loss , shear force value and fibre diameter .

  23. 结论经NAI治疗及水迷宫行为训练后的AD大鼠,海马结构内胆碱能纤维密度明显增加,提示NAI及水迷宫训练联合作用可促进AD大鼠海马结构胆碱能纤维重建。

    Conclusion The results showed that NAI treatment and water maze training can increase the cholinergic fiber density in the hippocampal formation of AD rats indicating the function of NAI treatment and water maze training on cholinergic fiber plasticity in the hippocampal formation of AD rats .

  24. 30d后Y迷宫测试正常对照组、痴呆组、痴呆对照组及痴呆治疗组大鼠学习和记忆能力;AchE细胞化学染色,并测量基底前脑皮层及海马区AchE纤维密度。

    The learning and memory abilities of the rats were measured through Y-maze test 30 d after the operations , and AchE cytochemical study was conducted to calculate the density of the AchE fibers in the hippocampus and forebrain of the rats .

  25. 移植后第4周,采用网格测试系统对距损伤区分别为0.5mm,1.5mm,2.5mm层面(即海马的前、中、后部区域)乙酰胆碱酯酶纤维密度进行定量分析。

    Four weeks following transplantation , the densities of AChE fibers in the hippocampus at the levels of 0.5,1.5 and 2.5 mm from the lesion were evaluated with network analyzing system .

  26. 主要观察指标:两组中01a鼠和6J鼠坐骨神经的有髓纤维密度、有髓纤维数目、有髓纤维最大直径、有髓纤维平均直径。

    MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES : The density and size frequency distribution of sciatic nerve medullated fibers , as well as the number , the maximum diameter and the mean diameter of medullated fibers in two group of 01a rats and 6J rats .

  27. 造模后90d,无论在正常侧还是在缺血侧,无论在脑皮质Ⅲ层还是Ⅴ层,运动组小鼠胆碱能阳性纤维密度均高于对照组(P<0.05)。

    In 90 days after MCAO , it was showed that cholinergic positive fibers density was higher in the training group than that in the control group in ⅲ and ⅴ layers in cerebral cortex in normal and ischemic sides ( P < 0.05 ) .

  28. 结果天泰1号能显著改善自发老年性痴呆模型小鼠的学习记忆障碍,并明显增强中枢大脑皮质和海马NOS1活性及其纤维密度,其作用呈现出一定的量效关系。

    Results Tiantai No. 1 could improve learning and memory in spontaneous aged dementia mice remarkably , moreover , could enhance the activity and fiber density of NOS 1 in cerebra cortex and hippocampus . All these effects had a dose-response relationship .

  29. 模糊图象消除方法在纤维密度检测和水下图象处理中的应用

    Application of Image De Blurred Method to Cloth Fiber Detection and Underwater Image Processing

  30. 糖尿病组有髓神经纤维密度明显低于对照组,电镜下可见神经纤维结构改变;

    The myelinated nerve density in diabetic group was decreased than that in control group .