
  1. 徽宗初期的艺术构成及其流派风格

    Transmutation of HUI Zong 's Artistic Features and its School Style

  2. 各种流派风格各异。

    And the styles vary from different schools .

  3. 从时代精神对流派风格的影响来看,元和诗派是一个较为典型的个案。

    Viewed from the angle of impact exerted by time spirit on genre style , Yuanhe poetic sect is a rather typical case .

  4. 此外,游戏汇集了多种流派风格,专业出色的画面设计,相信一定会给玩家带来与众不同的体验。

    In addition , the game brought together a variety of genres style , excellent screen design professional , I believe that certain players will bring unique experience .

  5. 在中华书、画史上,艺术大师不乏其人,尤其是明清之际,是各种流派风格的艺术家群体林立的时代,出类拔萃的艺术家层出不穷。

    There are not few artistic masters in history . Especially , the flourishing Ming and Qing dynasty saw continuous emergence of varied schools , styles and celebrated artists .

  6. 古筝的主要流派与风格特征

    The main schools and style characteristics of the Chinese plucked stringed instrument

  7. 最后简述了舞狮运动的主要流派和风格。

    At last , the brief introduction for the mainly genres and styles of lion-dance sports is given .

  8. 意象油画不是特指一种流派或风格样式,它是西方油画在本土化发展过程中形成的一种具有中国意味的绘画语言。

    It does not specifically mean a single style , but is a Chinese style of western oil painting .

  9. 本文涉及了韩中两国女性小说的大量重要作品,包括各个流派和风格的作家。

    This paper mentions a lot of significant novels for women of both countries , including writers of every school of literature and its character .

  10. 因为,惟有在“音乐性精神”大视野中,才能更好地对唢呐不同流派音乐风格自身进行艺术性的美学与价值定位。

    In this article , the author puts forward his own point of view about the spirit of musicality as well as the aesthetic value-orientation of different genres of Suona music .

  11. 它们关注的不是完善艺术流派或风格的问题,而是如何使艺术与全部的社会、文化共同进步的问题。

    It paid no attention to how to perfect the art genre or the art style , but the question that how to make the art and the society , the culture progress jointly .

  12. 当然,随着历史的不断发展,每一新的流派的风格无论如何接近某种倾向的极端,都不是简单的重复。

    As the development of the history , every new school 's style is not a simply repetition of a tendency , no matter how it is close to the polar extremes of it .

  13. 在艺术不断发展的今天,东北扬琴流派的风格、特色、演奏技巧也同其它学派一样面临着不断进步、发展和完善的时代需求。

    Yangqin schools in the northeast of its continuous development of art today , its style , features , musical skills and also the same with other schools are faced with constant progress , development and enrichment topics .

  14. 对曲线线形式的考察一方面从流派、风格着手,来把握其演变规律,另一方面从曲线线形式自身发生、发展的过程来探究设计形式的多样性的可能。

    On the one hand , The author attempts to grasp the law of change from school and style , on the other hand , the author analyses the various possibility of design form from the course of curve form 's origin and development .

  15. 时至今日,油画艺术在中国流派纷呈,风格各异。

    Today , oil painting in China , genres and styles .

  16. 黑色幽默文学流派的创作风格是一种崭新的文学艺术表现形式。

    The school of black humour is an entirely new and energetic creative style and artistic formality .

  17. 唢呐不同流派的音乐风格向“音乐性精神”的“正向迁移”,应成为一种自觉的唢呐音乐艺术发展取向。

    The spirit of musicality is propitious to define the artistic aesthetics and value of different music style of Suona .

  18. 漳州木偶雕刻艺术历史上分为两个流派:中原风格和吴氏风格。

    In the past the Zhangzhou puppet carving art exist two genre . One is Zhongyuan style , the other is Wushi style .

  19. 但是,无论什么流派,什么风格,只要是中国人物画,那么就不能偏离传神这一主线。

    However , no matter what genre , style , as long as the Chinese figure painting , you cannot deviate from the " lifelike " this thread .

  20. 不同流派、不同风格的设计理念在对艺术和卓越的追求中融会贯通,使更多、更新的设计理念和设计手法在这里激情释放和升华。

    Different schools , different style of the design concept of art and the pursuit of excellence in mastery , make more , updated design ideas and design techniques here passion release and sublimation .

  21. 从贾斯汀-汀布莱克到麦当娜,从摇滚到流行再到R&B甚至饶舌乐,迈克尔-杰克逊对当代歌手、音乐流派、类型风格的影响可谓无人能及。

    He influenced artists ranging from Justin Timberlake to Madonna , from rock to pop to R & B even to rap , across genres and groups that no other artist was able to unite .

  22. 美国简约派小说的先驱作家卡弗以其简约而峻峭的笔法,把美国六、七十年代中下层人民的困窘境遇作了深刻的反映,代表了这一文学流派的独特风格。

    As an American minimalist forerunner , Raymond Carver employs the slim and economic writing techniques , deeply reflects the embarrassing world of American middle and lower class people in 1960s and 1970s and literary school .

  23. 未来白酒发展必将遵循“师法自然”的规律,形成多香型、多流派、多风格、多特色和谐共生的全新格局。

    The development of Luzhou-flavor liquor in the future will surely follow the rules of " natural development " and form a brand new pattern of multiple flavor types , multiple liquor styles , and multiple characteristics but coexistence of liquor product in harmony .

  24. 其中,第一节介绍匈牙利的音乐传统与社会文化,第二节探讨20世纪中叶匈牙利的音乐流派与音乐风格,第三节论述作品美学思维与音乐结构思维的形成。

    Among them , the first section introduces the Hungarian music tradition and social culture , the second section discusses the middle of the twentieth Century Hungarian music genres and styles of music , the third part discusses the works of aesthetic thinking and musical structure thought formation .

  25. 三是流派纷呈的语言风格;

    Three is the language style varied ;

  26. 第四部分为东北扬琴流派的主要特点及教学探讨,分析了东北扬琴的演奏技巧、东北扬琴流派作品的风格及演奏风格以及未来东北扬琴的发展趋势。

    Part IV is divided into north-east of the main features of Yangqin schools and teaching to explore , analyze performance Yangqin Northeast skills , schools of the Northeast Yangqin playing style and work style as well as future development trends in Northeast Yangqin .