
  1. 伍迪·艾伦(WoodyAllen)在拍了四十多年电影之后,开始进军电视界——具体来说是流媒体电视界。

    After more than four decades of making films , Woody Allen is coming to television - streaming television .

  2. 亚马逊、Netflix和Hulu都在投入巨资创作原创流媒体电视剧。

    Amazon , Netflix and Hulu are pouring resources into creating original streaming series .

  3. •包括Netflix和HuluPlus在内的流媒体电视业务将在2013年获得8亿美元收入。

    • the streaming TV business , including Netflix and Hulu plus , will make $ 800 million in revenues come 2013 .

  4. Netflix也同其他中国公司进行了商洽,这些公司都有在中国提供流媒体电视服务所需的牌照。

    Netflix has also had discussions with other Chinese companies that have the licenses needed to operate streaming television services in the country .

  5. 上个月,一架自动无人机在英国乡村上空飞行13分钟,给一位剑桥附近的客户递送了一部亚马逊(Amazon)流媒体电视棒和一袋爆米花。

    This month an autonomous drone made a 13-minute flight over the British countryside to drop off an Amazon television-streaming stick and a bag of popcorn to a customer near Cambridge .

  6. 评论家艾伦·塞宾沃尔(AlanSepinwall)讨论过这个话题,前不久,他说流媒体电视剧需要重新学习怎样在较长的连续剧叙事弧里拍出紧凑剧情的电视艺术;

    The critic Alan Sepinwall , diagnosing this issue , argued recently that streaming series need to relearn the TV art of making tightly crafted episodes within larger serial arcs ;

  7. 对于苹果(Apple)可能很快就会提供流媒体电视服务的消息,消费者想必会非常高兴。该服务将提供大量广播网的节目,包括CBS、ABC、Fox及ESPN。

    Consumers should be very happy with the news that Apple could soon sell a streaming-TV service that will offer a number of networks including CBS , ABC , Fox and ESPN .

  8. 周三,Netflix几乎在全世界所有国家正式启动了其流媒体电视服务,该公司以此意外之举加速进程,为求在2016年年底前达成其全球普及化的进取目标。

    Netflix went live with its streaming television service in nearly every country across the world on Wednesday , an unexpected acceleration of the company 's aggressive quest for global ubiquity by the end of 2016 .

  9. 本周日,亚马逊的原创电视剧《透明家庭》(Transparent)获得了金球奖喜剧类最佳电视剧奖。这部黑色喜剧讲述的是一个变性父亲的家庭故事(这是流媒体电视剧首次获得金球奖最佳电视剧类奖项)。

    Just this Sunday , Amazon 's original series " Transparent , " a dark comedy about a family in which the father comes out as transgender , won a Golden Globe for best television comedy . ( It was the first time a streaming service had won a best-series in the TV category at the Globes . )

  10. 而且这些角色绝大多数是白人,流媒体电视剧中的这类角色有73%是白人,电视网的这个比例是69%。

    These characters are also overwhelmingly white , ranging from 73 percent on streaming series to 69 percent in broadcast .

  11. 这部黑色喜剧讲述的是一个变性父亲的家庭故事(这是流媒体电视剧首次获得金球奖最佳电视剧类奖项)。

    ( It was the first time a streaming service had won a best-series in the TV category at the Globes . )

  12. “漫威电影宇宙”的第四阶段不是在任何剧院高调上映,而是顺应时代发展,在流媒体电视播放。

    Phase Four of the Marvel Cinematic Universe launches not at any theater with a blockbuster , but rather - in a sign-of-the-times development - in the realm of streaming television .

  13. USBHost技术在流媒体高清电视中的应用

    Application of USB Host in Stream Media HDTV

  14. IPTV、手机电视、流媒体、交互式电视等新兴业务的发展,极大的推动了市场对融合业务的需求。

    IPTV , mobile TV , streaming media , interactive TV and other new businesses development greatly promote the demand for converged services .

  15. 此外,雷蛇还与微主机公司ForgeTV合作,打造所谓的“第二块屏幕体验”,使玩家将PC游戏通过网络流媒体挪动到电视上,获得更爽的游戏体验,同时他们也可以通过电视玩移动游戏。

    It 's also entering the second screen experience with Forge TV , a micro-console that will allow gamers to stream PC games to their TV and also play mobile games on the large screen .

  16. 上周三,谷歌发布了一系列新产品,其中包括能在智能电视和流媒体电影、电视和游戏上运行的Android电视软件。

    Part of a string of new product announcements from Google on Wednesday , the company revealed Android TV software , which will run on smart TVs and stream movies , television and games .

  17. 研究了如何在流媒体高清晰度电视中实现USB主机接口,介绍了系统的硬件架构,探讨了系统的软件体系及USB协议栈的实现,经测试,完全可达到要求。

    Focusing on the realization of the interface of USB host in Stream Media HDTV system , this paper introduces the architecture of the system hardware and gives an account of the software system as well as the realization of USB protocol stack .

  18. 流媒体技术实现电视节目的网上传输

    Realizing the TV Program Transmission on Internet Using Streaming Media Technology

  19. 在多媒体世界中,视频传输技术充当着关键的角色,尤其是视频监控、流媒体和数字电视领域。

    In the world of multi-media , video technique plays a key role , especially in the area of video surveillance , stream media and digital TV .

  20. 然后你就可以在这台设备上享受流媒体电影、电视、音乐商店、应用程序以及电子书等各种功能了。

    You then have streaming movies , TV , a music store , Apps , eBooks and just about anything else that can be delivered to a tablet .

  21. 现在许多人都想知道是否更多美剧还会被撤下,以及通过流媒体网站观看外国电视剧的这种流行做法是不是将被扼杀。

    Now many want to know whether more will be pulled , and the popular practice of watching foreign shows on streaming websites will go down the tubes .