
zhí yóu
  • direct mail
直邮[zhí yóu]
  1. 主要职责是宣传方案,促销方案的策划,直邮DM单的设计等。

    Its important duty is plan propagandizing project and promotion project , design the Direct Mail etc * 4 .

  2. 直邮商函是直复营销的一种重要手段。

    Direct mail is an important tool of the direct marketing .

  3. shipping1&handling配送费trackingnumber快递追踪编号freeshippingonordersover$100满一百美金包邮送货:此商品支持直邮到美国以外的国家。

    Shipping : This item is also available for shipping to countries outside the US .

  4. 中国邮政直邮商函媒介发展战略研究

    Research on development strategy of direct mailing in China

  5. 直邮营销中统计数据挖掘的应用

    Statistical Data Mining Applications for Direct Mail Marketing

  6. 虽然市场营销和直邮信是重要的,他们并不孤立。

    Although marketing letters and direct mail are important , they cannot stand alone .

  7. 说到潮,贝蒂,从爱丁堡直邮过来的。

    Oh ! Oh ! Speaking of styling . Betty , straight from Edinburgh !

  8. 分析家们从中看出,谷歌也在考虑进军电视广告和直邮广告。

    And it has indicated to analysts that it is considering moving into TV and direct-mail ads.

  9. 通过减少或去除设计、印刷、传真和直邮的花费来节省开支。

    By reducing or eliminating design , printing , faxing and direct mail cost to saving money .

  10. 但是总的来说,我国直邮传媒的发展仍非常分散且非常弱小,还处于初级阶段。

    But in general , The development of Direct Mail Media is still very scattered and very weak .

  11. 如果在进行静态直邮之前就能察觉推广信息不为人所在乎的话,那是多么浪费市场经费呀!

    What a waste of marketing budget if your static campaign is perceived as undesirable before it is even mailed !

  12. 直邮不仅仅是一项普通的邮政业务,更是一种精准传播的分众媒体。

    Direct mail is not just an ordinary postal service , but also a kind of focus media with precise transmission .

  13. 摘要我们将讨论在直邮营销行业中如何使用数据挖掘方法分析客户历史数据,提高营销的效率。

    We discuss how to use data mining methods to analyze historical customer data in direct mail marketing and to improve marketing efficiency .

  14. 作为一个营销公司,我们直接帮助过上百个客户的直邮,互联网,印刷品广告和广播广告竞争的业务。

    As a marketing firm , we 've helped literally hundreds of clients on their direct mail , Internet , print advertising and radio advertising campaigns .

  15. 在理论分析的基础上,对烟台邮政直邮发展的现状、所处的环境以及目标市场等进行了分析。

    Based on the theoretical analysis , it analyzes the development status , the existing environment and the clients of the direct mail of Yantai Post .

  16. 除导论外,论文在三个方面进行了相关理论综述,包括营销组合理论、直邮营销理论及整合营销传播理论。

    Except the introduction , it summarizes relevant theories in three aspects , including marketing combinatorial theory , direct mail marketing theory and integrated marketing communication theory .

  17. 邮件合并,譬如在直邮市场营销的活动中,人们用样式表将客户文件中的姓名和地址与信件模板合并起来。

    A mail merge , such as a direct mail marketing campaign , where the stylesheet merges names and addresses from a customer file with a letter template .

  18. 但由于企业内外部环境、资源的限制,邮政发展直邮营销一直缺乏一套成熟的市场推广模式。

    The direct mail marketing development of the post is lack of a mature marketing mode due to the limitation of internal and external environment and resources of the enterprise .

  19. 你必须通过电子邮件或互联网找到他们,或者用老套的方法–通过广播、打印广告、直邮、电话营销、上门推销。

    You have to find them via the Internet and e-mail , or the old-fashioned way & through broadcast media , print ads , direct mail , telemarketing , or references or by cold-calling .

  20. 根据客户的特定要求,为客户重新印刷,出版客户的文章或广告,并可提供包装和直邮服务。

    According to the special requirements of clients , we can republish for clients , which contains the article and advertisements of client 's publication . We can also offer packing and direct send service .

  21. 中国邮政作为国内主要的直邮营销服务商之一,直邮业务是企业的核心业务之一,也是重点培育发展的业务。

    As one of the key service providers of the direct mail marketing at home , China Post makes the direct mail business as one of its key business as well as its key cultivated business .

  22. 这些电脑库的所有者有个人、私营企业、有限公司、贷款机构、直邮公司、电话销售公司、信用机构、信用卡公司、各地各州及联邦政府机构。

    They are owned by individuals and by private businesses and corporations , lending institutions , direct mailing and telemarketing firms , credit bureaus , credit card companies , and government agencies at the local , state , and federal level .

  23. 然而,在国内,直邮产业起步晚,产业发展不成熟,企业对直邮的认知度较低,支撑直邮营销开展的内外部条件不完善,因此,直邮产业的发展较为缓慢。

    However , in China , the direct mail industry started late with immature development , low awareness of the enterprises and incomplete conditions supporting the development of the direct mail marketing , therefore , the direct mail industry develops very slowly .

  24. 基于前面几个方面的分析,提出了烟台邮政直邮整合营销传播方案策划的流程、传播目标、传播工具选择及整合营销传播方案框架。

    It puts forward the planning process , the communication target , the choice of the communication tools and the structure of the integrated marketing communication proposal for the direct mail of Yantai Post on the basis of the analysis of the above parts .

  25. 网络广告拥有在新闻组上张贴告示、电子直邮、广告主自建网站和在知名网站上发布等四种方式,现在以最后一种方式最为普遍。

    WA has 4 modes to release its information , namely , making an advertisement in news groups , direct email , the self website created by advertisers , and release on famous websites , with the latter as the most dominant at present .

  26. 对传统媒介,如印刷媒介、电子媒介、户外媒介的基本特点和在新的环境下的新的特点的分析,和对新的媒介形式,如数字互连媒介、直邮媒介的分析。

    Including to traditional media , such as printing the analysis of the basic characteristics of media , electronic media , outdoor media and new characteristic under the new environment , with to new media form , if digital interactive media , direct mail .

  27. 在此基础上立足差异化,对直邮媒体的发展作出定位,即:做销售的媒体、建立在消费者研究基础上的能够到达亿万中国家庭的媒体和广告主自己的媒体。

    In the base of the summary , I made a positioning of DM development , that is DM should be a media for selling , a media based on the consumer research , and a media could reach to hundreds of millions families in China .

  28. 由于社会政治、经济、文化、科技环境的改变以及先进传播、营销理论的引进和不断完善,近几十年,尤其是在沿海发达城市,直邮传媒得到了突飞猛进的发展。

    The social , political , economic , cultural , scientific and technological changes in the environment as well as advanced communication , marketing theory and the introduction of continuous improvement . In recent decades , especially in coastal cities , Direct Mail Media has been rapid development .