
zhí jiē sònɡ dá
  • direct service
  1. 受理机构直接送达的,必须有送达回证,由申请人在送达回证上记明收到日期、签名或者盖章。

    For direct service by an accepting institution , a receipt is necessary and the applicant shall date and sign or stamp on it .

  2. 接着,科学家将含有缓慢释放BMP4的粒子直接送达植入恶性胶质瘤细胞的小鼠脑内。

    Next , the scientists delivered slow-release BMP4-containing " beads " directly into mouse brains with implanted glioblastoma cells .

  3. 潜在投资者的查询一般直接送达当地信息提供者。

    Inquiries from would-be investors are often sent directly to the local information provider .

  4. 非直接送达的,还应当通过电话进行确认并做相应记录。

    For the indirect service , the notice shall be confirmed on the phone and recorded correspondingly .

  5. 按照是否委托外国的有关机关代为送达,可以将域外送达的各种方式归为两类,即直接送达和间接送达。

    The thesis divides methods of service abroad in civil and commercial cases into two kinds : direct one and indirect one .

  6. 在选择完毕并用信用卡支付后,空乘人员就对将饮料直接送达目标乘客。

    After selecting items and paying with a credit card , a flight attendant delivers the goodies directly to the passenger 's seat .

  7. 烧伤后直接送达烧伤专科接受治疗的22例患者,治愈20例,死亡2例;

    Among 22 patients transferred by ambulance and treated in the local available burn units in early management stage , 20 were cured and 2 died ;

  8. 第四,要实施普遍的增值服务战略,提供最短时间消耗以最大限度保鲜,清洁原料及合理包装以简化家庭操作,直接送达消费者手中等方面的增值服务。

    Forth , implement the strategy of value-added services , such as providing clean materials and rational packet for the households or directly sending the products to the consumers .

  9. 直接送达税务文书有困难的,可以委托有关机关或者其他单位代为送达,或者邮寄送达。

    If it is difficult to directly serve a document , a relevant organ or other unit may be entrusted to serve the document or it may be posted .

  10. 送达诉讼文书,应当直接送交受送达人。

    Litigant documents shall be delivered directly to the addressee in person .

  11. 结论1、角膜基质内注射直接将药物送达深层角膜,对角膜的机械创伤小、简单易行。

    Intrastromal injection is simple , less invasive , can directly deliver drug into the deep cornea . 2 .

  12. 如果你直接给一个公司写信,又想把信直接送达某人或者某部门,可以用一个加注行。

    Use an attention line when you write directly to a company and want the letter directed to a person and / or department .