
  • 网络intuitive embodiment
  1. 绩效的量化是审核成果的集中直观体现。

    Quantitative performance is the concentration and intuitive reflect of the audit results .

  2. 项目管理专业软件是项目管理方法在实践中的最直观体现。我国许多大型的工程都在使用专业软件来帮助项目管理者对项目进行控制管理。

    Now in China , project managers have many sorts of project management software to control management .

  3. 摘要在现代市场经济中,最能直观体现人才价值量大小的指标就是薪酬。

    In the modem market economy , it is salary that can represent the value of talented persons mostly .

  4. 用户界面是实现用户与软件应用交互的直观体现,在软件开发过程中占据着重要的地位。

    User interface represents the interaction between users and software application directly , which also plays very important role in the process of software development .

  5. 这一套综合评价体系不光能反映出广场的综合水平,而且能直观体现每一个评价因子的好坏程度。

    This set of comprehensive evaluation system can not only reflect the comprehensive level of the square , but also can represent each evaluation factors to the quality of the degree .

  6. 电力电子电路的模块仿真时间长,存储量大,参数优化及修改不方便,控制原理无法直观体现。

    The module simulation of power electronic circuit costs too much time and memory , parameters are difficult to be optimized and modified , domination principle can 't be easily visited .

  7. 作为建筑艺术与人文精神交融的产物,牌坊不但是中国古典建筑的代表,更直观体现了社会伦理文化。

    As the products of mixture of architecture art and human spirit , the archways are not only presentation of classical achievement , but also reflect directly the culture of social ethics .

  8. 最后,建立了企业人力资本投资风险预警系统,绘制风险预警辐射图以直观体现各风险因素所处警区,并给出相应的风险防范措施。

    Finally , risk early-warning system is established . Risk early-warning radiation diagram is drawn to show directly which warning district each risks is in . And relevant risk preventive measures are advised .

  9. 在实现埋藏史、超压史和温度史的动态变化过程后,我们将其动态变化过程数据直接用图形显示出来,从而可以直观体现它们的变化规律。

    After the recovery of bury history , pressure history and temperature history , we come out dynamic change course data with the graphical display directly , thus can reflect their change law intuitively .

  10. 而教科书是课程内容的直观体现,它既是知识、技能的载体,又承载着一定社会规范和价值观,在客观、中立的形式下,负载一定的价值取向。

    Textbook , which embodies the curriculum content directly , is not only the carrier of knowledge and skills , but also the carrier of social norms and values . This course show students the contents loaded with certain value orientation in the form of objectivity and neutralism .

  11. 在此需求的基础上,给出了生产管理系统的模型和总体设计,并运用UML工具对系统进行建模,使系统具有了更加直观的体现。

    In this demand on the basis of the production management system , the model is designed .

  12. 这种定量方法通用性好,易于移植复用,并且充分、直观地体现出分配安全仪表系统SIL设计目标的基本思想,弥补了风险矩阵和风险图的不足之处。

    The quantitative method is general and easy to reuse as well as intuitive .

  13. 天鸷品牌标志,用一种反应快速的的鹰类(鸷鸟)的图形来作为GPS定位系统品牌形象,生动直观,体现产品定位。

    Kenji brand LOGO , with one kind of response fast hawk class ( birds of prey bird ) the graph took the GPS positioning system brand image , vivid is direct-viewing , manifests the product localization .

  14. 该系统通过SNMP协议收集不同网络设备数据,并用这些数据掌握了一系列图表直观的体现网络设备间的流量和整个网络的负载状况。

    The system collects data from different network devices based on SNMP , and builds a series of graphs that directly describe the state of network device and also the load state of the whole network devices .

  15. 当发生DDoS攻击时,被攻击网络中存在大量与服务器无法建立正常通信的数据包&单边连接包,单边连接密度能直观地体现当前网络中单边连接包的量。

    In the case of suffering DDoS attacks , there are plenty of packets which are unable to establish communication with servers in the network , as is called One-Way Connection Packet , whose capacity can be reflected by the density of One-Way Connection .

  16. “活字”这个词,直观地体现了这个理论。

    The word ' fount ' made this principle explicit .

  17. 文化最直观地体现出来的东西叫做人为产物。

    Some of the most visible expressions of the culture are called artifacts .

  18. 该方法降低了舱室定义阶段的复杂性,直观地体现出设计思想,能快速实现船舶分舱及舱容计算。

    This method reduces the complexity of the compartment and intuitively reflects the design thought .

  19. 工业题材的油画作品可以如实的反映出我国经济建设在各个时期的表面状况,同样也可以直观的体现出新中国建国以来油画艺术发展的轨迹。

    Industry theme oil painting works may reflect truthfully condition of economic development in our country .

  20. 轨道电路参数模型的建立更加直观地体现了轨道电路一次参数、二次参数与传输信号之间的关系,可以作为轨道电路参数测量、调整的参考依据。

    The model also can be used in measuring the parameters and regulation of track circuit .

  21. 这几个环节在本文中以一个流程图而得以清晰、直观的体现出来。

    These taches will appear in the paper as a flow chart which is clear and intuitionist .

  22. 计算方法直观地体现了注浆量对后注浆桩承载力提高的影响,并与所给出的合理注浆量公式相联系,参数便于确定。

    The method behaves the affection of quantity of grouting on the bearing capacity of post grouting pile directly .

  23. 岑参边塞诗中的景色描写,直观地体现了崇高美的内涵。

    The scenery described in the Cen Can frontier fortress poetry has directly embodied the connotation of the sublime beauty .

  24. 在艺术表现的范畴中,视觉艺术作为传统表现手段之一,从美学角度直观地体现出中国文化遗产中传统文化的内涵。

    Visual art as a traditional means of artistic representation directly embodies the connotations of traditional Chinese cultural heritage from an aesthetic angle .

  25. 在安防系统中,安全策略作为报警联动的核心则最直观地体现了安防系统的稳定性和可靠性。

    In security system , being the core of alarm and joint-act , security strategy incarnates the stability and reliability of the security system .

  26. 本文从初投资和运行费用两力面将污水源热泵系统与其他几种常用系统进行对比,更加直观地体现其经济性。

    Compare with other several common systems , sewage-source heat pump system reflects its economy more intuitively from the initial investment and operation cost two aspects .

  27. 采用曲线拟合方法将其知识源转化成为了具体的函数表达式,直观地体现了神经网络的知识源,为后继的遗传算法提供了明确的适应度函数。

    Curve fitting was applied to turn the BP neural network knowledge source into a concrete function , providing a better way for further genetic algorithm process .

  28. 一国软实力最能直观地体现在国家形象中,而跨文化电影里展现的国家形象则是最具影响力的形象宣传之一。

    Image of one country is the most direct embodiment of its soft power and exhibiting its people in cross-cultural movies is one of the most influential ways to promote its image .

  29. 并且对人事诉讼程序设立的意义做了简要的分析。接下来笔者对日本人事诉讼制度的沿革做了详细的介绍,力求完整直观地体现该制度的变革过程。

    And personnel procedures for the establishment of a brief analysis , concerning the Japanese personnel to the system of the people of the details and complete directly reflect the change process .

  30. 白语名量词的产生、发展的主要原因是为了使得名词的个体特征更加的得到显现,量化和分类为名词的信息量更加得以直观的体现。

    The reason for the occurrence and development of the noun quantifier in the language of Bai is to show the individual features as well as embody directly its quantifying and classifying among them .