
  • 网络The Flying Elephant;Dumbo
  1. 不要只盯着硅谷(SiliconValley)或是纽约的小飞象街区(Dumbo);

    Never mind Silicon Valley or New York 's Dumbo ( Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass ) ;

  2. 尽管很多新建楼盘位于Bushwick、RedHook、以及Bedford-Stuyvesant等新开发区域,但仍有一些在建楼盘位于小飞象街区(Dumbo)、威廉斯堡时尚区(Williamsburg)、以及布鲁克林高地等黄金地段。

    While much of the new construction will be in emerging areas such as Bushwick , Red Hook and Bedford-Stuyvesant , some of the building is under way in well-established areas too , such as Dumbo , Williamsburg and Brooklyn Heights .

  3. 你一直在那儿就是要说小飞象?

    You 're actuay sitting there talking about a flying elephant ?

  4. 他用他的耳朵飞。他是一只飞象。

    He flies with his ears . he 's a flying elephant .

  5. 小飞象很大,而老鼠很小。

    Dumbo is large and the mouse is small .

  6. 妈妈用肥皂和水给小飞象洗澡。

    Mother washed Dumbo with soap and water .

  7. 小飞象觉得这只老鼠这么小。

    Dumbo thinks the mouse is so tiny .

  8. 你的耳朵和小飞象一样大。

    You have ears as big as Dumbo .

  9. 和一个朋友骑着孩子们喜欢骑的小飞象在空中飞行。

    She and a friend whizzed through the air on the child 's ride Dumbo .

  10. 他是一只飞象。

    He 's a flying elephant .

  11. 他有小飞象一样的耳朵。

    He has ears like Dumbo .

  12. 2019年,迪士尼还计划要推出真人版的《小飞象》、《阿拉丁》以及《狮子王》。

    Just in 2019 , Disney plans to release live-action renditions of Dumbo , Aladdin , and The Lion King .

  13. 小飞象带着骑手们飞跃奇幻世界,骑手们可以通过操控杆飞到他们想要到达的高度。

    Dumbo the Flying Elephant takes riders over Fantasyland , and lever controls let them fly at their desired altitude .

  14. 令人颇感意外的是,迪士尼还将翻拍1941年的动画电影《小飞象》,该电影讲述了一只会飞的小象的故事。

    Surprisingly , the other Disney cartoon getting an adaptation is 1941 's Dumbo , the story of a flying elephant .

  15. 《小飞象》、《狮子王》、《花木兰》、《《小姐与流氓》》都在计划的翻拍名单之列。

    Dumbo , The Lion King , Mulan , and Lady and the Tramp are all among the list of planned remakes .

  16. 理论上来说,蒂姆·伯顿的离奇暗黒品味和可爱的小飞象还真是一个奇葩的组合。

    On paper , it 's a weird combo : director Tim Burton 's oddball dark quirkiness and an adorable flying elephant .

  17. 电影《小飞象》在1941年上映,在当时的美国主流社会中,对非洲裔美国人仍然存在种族偏见,影片中的乌鸦形象就是典型例子。

    The crows in " Dumbo , " released in 1941 when racism against African Americans was more acceptable , is probably the most blatant example .

  18. 迪士尼有米奇,但之后该公司还推出了白雪公主、皮诺曹、小飞象、小鹿斑比等等,不一而足。

    Disney ( DIS ) had Mickey , but then it had Snow White , Pinocchio , Dumbo , Bambi and on and on from there .

  19. 这次探险给我们带来了长达2米的“巨型小飞象”,是迄今发现最大的深海动物之一。

    This expedition has brought us the " Jumbo Dumbo ", the largest so far found up to2 meters long , and one of the biggest deep sea creatures .

  20. 这些角色存在的意义仅仅是在帮助小飞象的过程中为白人观众制造喜剧气氛,这使种族偏见在美国更加根深蒂固。

    The characters exist only to help the white protagonist , and contribute mainly comedic value amongst white audiences , adding insult to injury on the already glaring stereotype .

  21. 此外,几部改编自迪士尼经典动画的真人电影也将登上大荧幕,包括《狮子王》、《阿拉丁》和《小飞象》。

    Live action versions of several Disney classics will be headed to the big screen too , including " The Lion King , " " Aladdin " and " Dumbo . "

  22. 中国通信业专业门户飞象网(cctime.com)首席执行长项立刚估计,中国每年约有1亿手机用户更换手机,其中约有2000万人购买高端手机。

    Xiang Ligang , chief executive of Chinese telecommunications news portal Cctime.com , estimates 100 million mobile phone users in China change their phones every year and about 20 million of those buy high-end mobile phones .

  23. 另外两部改编电影,《小飞象》和《花木兰》也已经在筹备当中,一如迪士尼之前曾承诺过的,“要将他们大部分的动画资源循环利用“(《金银岛》的粉丝们怕是要失望了)。

    Remakes of " Dumbo " and " Mulan " are already in the works , as Disney commits to putting a live action spin on the bulk of its animated properties ( Fans of " Treasure Planet " may be out of luck ) .

  24. 《狮子王》是1994年票房收入最高的电影,也是有史以来票房最高的手绘动画电影,因此迪士尼高管决定翻拍这部电影只不过是时间问题:单单今年,迪士尼就已经推出了翻拍版的《小飞象》和《阿拉丁》。

    The Lion King was the highest grossing film of 1994 and the highest grossing hand-drawn animated film ever , so it was only a matter of time before Disney 's executives got their claws into it again : this year alone , the studio has already released remakes of Dumbo and Aladdin .