
dōnɡ nán yà yùn dònɡ huì
  • Southeast Asian Games;SEA Games;Southeast Asia Games
  1. 第25届东南亚运动会场馆交错式钝角金属幕墙设计与施工技术

    Design and construction technologies of metal wall breaks in crisscross of the 25th Southeast Asia Games venues

  2. 哈沙尼说,虽然在11月21日于同一球场举办的东南亚运动会(SoutheastAsianGames)足球决赛上,发生的踩踏事件夺走了两名球迷的生命,但这种事情不会再次发生。

    Mr. Gani said there would be no repeat of the crowd-control problems that claimed the lives of two football fans in the same stadium during the finals of the Southeast Asian Games last week .

  3. 目前,武术也已被列入东亚运动会、东南亚运动会、南亚运动会的正式比赛项目。

    Currently , Wushu has also been included in the East Asian Games , Southeast Asian Games , South Asian Games as an official event .

  4. 本文依托第22届东南亚运动会体操项目成绩处理系统的建设,对将信息技术应用于大型运动会所涉及到的问题进行了研究。

    Based on the Gymnastic Result Processing System in the 22nd Southeast Asian Games project , the thesis mainly focuses on the applications of the information technology in large scaled games .

  5. 田径运动水平的发展是越南实现东南亚运动会、亚洲运动会争光计划和努力达到奥运水平的重要保证。

    Track and Field in Vietnam to achieve the development of the Southeast Asian Games , Asian Games glory plans and efforts to reach an important guarantee for the Olympic level .