
  1. 吃东西前先洗手。

    Wash your hands before you eat .

  2. 油漆这木制东西前,你得先在上面涂上底漆。

    You must prime the wood before you paint it .

  3. 她要她的孩子们在吃东西前洗手。

    She made her children wash their hands before eating .

  4. 在我吃太多东西前,我得赶快离开了。

    I had to leave the bakery before I ate too much .

  5. 他们重复的常时间的暴露在那些东西前。

    That they 've had repeated and prolonged exposure to .

  6. 我们吃东西前先洗洗手吧

    why don 't we wash up before we eat , yeah ?

  7. 在他们取掉你身上其他东西前逃出去。

    Let 's get you out of here before they take anything else .

  8. 在中乐透、还有停止偷东西前一个月。

    For about a month before I won the lottery and stopped stealing .

  9. 他走到一个壁橱样的东西前。

    He went to a kind of closet .

  10. 狗在吃东西前会先闻一闻。

    Dogs smell food before they eat it .

  11. 你必须在吃东西前将你黏乎乎的手洗一下。

    You 'll have to wash those gluey hands of yours before you eat .

  12. 吃东西前请洗手。

    Please wash your hands before you eat .

  13. 我们应在吃东西前洗手。

    We should wash our hands before eating .

  14. 17.在网上买东西前先百度下有没有优惠券

    17 . Google coupons before buying something online

  15. 铁斋向浦原道歉,在他们能说其他东西前,真子突然尖叫。

    Tessai apologizes to Urahara and before they can speak more Shinji suddenly scream out .

  16. 我一般喜欢在进餐馆吃东西前先对其有所了解。

    I generally like to spy out restaurants before I go to eat in them .

  17. 在买东西前,要像杰说的那样,要先盘算一下已有的家当。

    Before you buy , make an inventory of what you already have , Jay said .

  18. 在给他们买东西前先花点时间想想你们的关系如何。

    Take a moment to think about how your relationship is with the person before getting them something .

  19. 这样你在吃东西前都会再三考虑,作好记录,计算你所摄入的卡路里。

    You will think twice before eating something , if you have to log it and count calories .

  20. 然后在开始做东西前把握好材质探索与思想观念的关系,做出自己的选择。

    Then begin to do things before grasp material exploration and ideological relations , to make their own choices .

  21. *研究不足:投资任何东西前,你应该对它和其风险有足够的认识。

    Inadequate Research & Before you invest in anything , you should familiarise yourself with the instruments and their risks .

  22. 买新的东西前,看看自己拥有的其实已经足够了。

    Before buying anything new , I have come to realise that what I already have is actually quite sufficient .

  23. 在处理远距离工作者或分部时,另一件需要记住的事情是,在购买东西前与公司的IT部门协商。

    Another thing to keep in mind when dealing with telecommuters or branch offices is to always check with the company 's IT department before buying anything .

  24. 你让我在送任何东西上楼前都要电话通知你。

    You asked that we call first before delivering anything upstairs ?

  25. 丽莉:而且我发现他的个性中有一些有趣的东西。前两天。

    Lily : and I discovered something interesting about his character the other day .

  26. 最后一样扔进火堆的东西是前男友最宝贝的、镶在镜框里的“圣地亚哥电光队”的球衣。

    As a final offering , she threw the framed San Diego Chargers jersey her ex had cherished into the fire .

  27. 他警告,更可怕的东西比前,我们的记者说,他是打桩压力的行动。

    His warnings were more dire than anything before , our correspondent adds , and he is piling on the pressure for action .

  28. 这东西爆炸前我们只有几分钟时间如果我不能及时回来你必须启动锁定程序

    We 've only got a few minutes before this thing blows , and if I 'm not back in time , you need to initiate lockdown .

  29. 特别是对afirst-timebuyer初次购买者来说买一台afactorymodel比较方便,因为everythingisalreadyinstalledandconfigured.所有的东西在出厂前就已经安装和配置好了。

    Then everything is already installed and configured . Monica : Is that what you recommend ? Brian : For a first-time buyer , yes . All options are preset at the factory .

  30. 我要所有的东西在黎明前被清理干净,明白吗?

    I want everything cleared up by dawn , understand ?