
Specialised ranged Aztec troops who wielded javelin-sized arrows which they also used in melee .
This size and strength makes them impressive and gives them an edge in melee combat .
While useful for harassing flanks and enemy archers , this unit will quickly dissolve in melee combat .
While useful at defending flanks and dealing with light cavalry , these troops won 't hold up in a prolonged melee .
Given their short range , their firers need to be well armoured and able to look after themselves in close combat .
Despite their great initial attack , a wise commander will avoid leaving them in melee , as they are extremely vulnerable in prolonged close-combat .
Although best kept out of close combat , these warriors can be useful against lighter cavalry units , as horses dislike the smell and appearance of camels .
Afforded the protection of padded or light mail armour , these men are confident in their use of the pike , and when required , their short swords in close combat .
They wear little or no armour but are armed with a powerful bow and a mace as a hand weapon . A wise general will use this unit to pepper the enemy with arrows , but will keep them out of harm 's way .