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jìn zhàn
  • close combat;fighting at close quarters
近战 [jìn zhàn]
  • [close combat] 以近距离射击、投手榴弹、白刃格斗等方式与敌人作战

近战[jìn zhàn]
  1. 这段话只有说法师不能施放法术在近战中的部队。

    Wizards cannot cast spell at units engaged in close combat .

  2. 在近战的干预都将进一步增加平民死亡的风险,而且使这种使命远比联军更危险。

    Intervening further in close combat would both increase the risk of civilian deaths and make the mission far more dangerous for coalition troops .

  3. 增加了无脚本的近战,玩家可以完全地使用。对于AI来说,他们将在弹药用尽并站立时使用。

    Non scripted close combat added , fully usable to the player , used by the AI when out of ammo and standing up .

  4. 在这个模式里,你按R拔出近战武器就会进入第三人称视角,使你在战斗时看得更清楚。

    In this mode if you draw you melee weapon with the R button your view will switch to third person perspective in order to grant you some more awareness during combat situations .

  5. 我们考虑中的一个野蛮防御的改动是将其改为在一定时间内吸收X点伤害,而不是现在的降低下次近战攻击X点。

    For Savage Defense the change we 're thinking about would probably be instead of reducing the next physical attack for X damage , it would instead absorb X damage for some duration .

  6. AI得到了改进,它提供良好的组织指挥和操作性能,部队也会重新组织和保持战列并减少出现不必要的近战搏斗行为。

    The AI has been improved to allow it to handle formations better , form and maintain lines and reduce the occurrence of unnecessary melee behavior .

  7. 我们想让DK成为一个拥有一些远程技能的近战职业,而不是一个远程职业。

    We want DKs to be a melee class with some ranged abilities , not a ranged class .

  8. 还有些猎人选择生存系是想当近战猎人。

    Some hunters liked Survival because it was the melee hunter .

  9. 战斗怒吼-现在增加攻击强度而不是增加近战攻击强度。

    Battle Shout-Now increases attack power instead of melee attack power .

  10. 当你看到法师的近战命中率远低于你的。

    When u see mages having a lower melee miss rate .

  11. 双武器现在也可以让你招架前方的近战攻击。

    Dual Wield now also allows you to parry frontal melee attacks .

  12. 能攻击和被近战怪物攻击。

    It can attack and be attacked by melee monsters .

  13. 坐阵的兵器主要使用剑斧以备近战。

    The weapons of the seated soldiers are the sword and axes ;

  14. 问题就在于加强近战英雄是错误的解决方法。

    The problem is that buffing melee heroes is the wrong solution .

  15. 可移动形态时,该树人可进行近战攻击。

    The Treant deals melee damage while in unrooted form .

  16. 适应现代城市近战需要提高军体训练水平

    Physical Training for the Requirements of Urban Close Quarter Battle

  17. 施展奉献将不再使你近战武器挥舞的时间重叠置。

    Consecration will no longer reset your melee swing timer when cast .

  18. 敏捷增加近战远程武器命中。

    Increases your hit rating with melee and ranged weapons .

  19. 毫米波雷达在舰载近战武器系统中的应用现状和展望

    Applications and Prospects of Millimeter Wave Radar in Shipborne Close in Weapon Systems

  20. 战舰在战斗机的掩护下驶近战区。

    The battleship approached the combat zone under a cover of fighter planes .

  21. 使近战及远距离射击穿透敌人盔甲。

    Melee attacks and shots pierce a part of the adversary 's armour .

  22. 剑是我国古代一种重要的近战短兵器。

    Sword is an important weapon in ancient China .

  23. 虽然如此,它的弧形表面在遭到攻击的时候能让近战武器偏出。

    However , their curved surface are excellent at deflecting blows from melee weapons .

  24. 冰霜之爪-现在只减少近战攻击速度,移除了远程和施法速度的降低。

    Icy Talons-Now only caused by reduction of melee speed , removing ranged and casting .

  25. 仅装备钝的近战武器。

    Equip only nonlethal blunt melee weapons .

  26. 惩戒骑士可以如其他近战输出职业一样来提高他们的命中和熟练。

    Retribution paladins can improve their hit or expertise like other melee DPS specs do .

  27. 短剑是传统的阿拉伯武器,在近战搏斗中相当好用。

    The short sword is a traditional Arabic weapon and very good at close combat .

  28. 刺客的关键在于近战。

    Key thing about rogues are .

  29. 德鲁伊能变成飞禽,那么会被近战攻击吗?

    If a druid shapeshifts into a flying animal , can it be attacked by melee ?

  30. 近战职业需要什么?

    What do melee classes need ?