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  1. 坦克,潜艇和天然气战加剧。

    Tank , submarine and gas warfare intensifies .

  2. 改为预付费方式加大了对乌克兰供应量降低的可能性,预示着两国间将出现8年内的第三次天然气之战,并可能会威胁到对欧洲的天然气供应。

    The move to prepayment makes a reduction of supplies to Ukraine increasingly likely , heralding the third gas war between the two countries in eight years and threatening deliveries to Europe .

  3. 目下现古您们的怯气,决计战费力工做究竟了局有了回报,那是直人仄易远的荣誉。

    Yet your courage , determination and hard work has paid off for the glory of Chinese people .

  4. 2006年底,俄罗斯要对销往白俄罗斯的天然气涨价,白俄罗斯人对此了抵制,新一轮所谓的“天然气之战”一触即发。

    At the end of2006 , Belarusian resistance to Russia 's demand that it too pay more for gas threatened to unleash another so-called " gas war " .