
  • 网络Air-tight test;leakage test
  1. 压力容器气密性试验方法探讨

    Gas - Tight Test Method and Counter Measures for Pressure Vessel

  2. 压力记录仪在燃气管道气密性试验中的应用

    Application of Pressure Recorder in Pneumatic Testing of Gas Pipeline

  3. 燃气管道气密性试验打压时间曲线的理论计算

    Theoretic Time Curve Calculation in Pipeline Gas Tightness Test

  4. 高压容器充气及气密性试验检测系统的设计

    Design of detecting system on charging and airtight property experiment of high pressure vessel

  5. 大型冷库、氨制冷系统气密性试验、试漏检测方法

    Large Refrigeratory Air pressure Experiment in Refrigeration System of Ammonia 、 Checking Leak Method

  6. 真空预压淤泥搅拌墙气密性试验分析与应用技术

    Test study and application technique for airtight capacity of mixing silt wall under vacuum preloading

  7. GB/T7995-1987搪玻璃设备气密性试验方法

    Air seal test method of glass-lined equipments

  8. 气密性试验测定值的分析

    Analysis of measurement value of airtightness

  9. 燃气工程气密性试验的准确鉴定必须采用渗漏率,而不能用压力降。

    The accurate judgement of airtightness test of gas engineering facilities must depend on Leakage rate , but not on pressure drop .

  10. 经模拟件及产品焊接证明,焊缝质量满足了产品要求,焊后经水压及气密性试验,均一次打压合格。

    The success are proved by product welding both for weld quality and for air tight property of joints during hydro-pressure testing .

  11. 压力容器耐压试验中几个有争议的问题述评耐压及气密性试验系统的研制

    On Some Disputing Points of Pressure Vessels in Pressure Proof Tests The Design and Study of Bearing Pressure Capability and Gas Tightness Checking System

  12. 气密性试验通过合理的设计通气管路和一套自动控制的系统使其比以往的试验装置更加高效且节约能源。

    Tightness text device with the rational design of ventilation pipe and an automatic control system is more efficient and energy-saving than the previous devices .

  13. 气密性试验完成后,还应根据业主批准的书面测试程序,对洗涤器进行功能测试。

    After the tightness test , a functional test of each scrubber shall be carried out in accordance with written test procedures approved by the employer .

  14. 根据压力容器与安全泄放装置压力参数的配置关系,对可行的气密性试验方法和试验压力进行了讨论。

    Based on the relationship between the designing pressure parameters of pressure vessel and that of safety devices , the feasible method and pressure of gas leak test were discussed .

  15. 为了消除汽车盘式制动器总成存在的渗漏现象,研制了一种先进的盘式制动器定量气密性试验台,采用定量差压法的原则检测盘式制动器的微泄漏。

    To eliminate the brake fluid leakage on vehicles , an advanced disk brake air leakage technological test has been developed , using the quantitatively different pressure to measure the disk brake leakage .

  16. 最后,对气密性试验的通气管路进行设计实现高能气体的重复利用,并使用组态软件力控编辑监控画面和控制程序通过数据采集卡与现场设备通信实现气密性试验装置的自动化检验。

    Last , design the ventilation pipe for gas tightness text to reuse the high-energy gas , edit monitor screen and compile control program in the configuration software which achieve automated inspection by using the data acquisition card .

  17. 然后针对该装配线的实际特点对其中的重要关键技术问题(压力机吨位的合理选取、工序同期化的应用、制动器气泵的气密性试验等)进行了系统的研究。

    , ltd , it designs a asynchronous annular assembly line , and aiming at actual peculiarity of the assembly line , systemically works over some important key technologies , such as : reasonable choosing of the press machine , the experiment of arrester pump .

  18. 为保证气密性试验顺利进行和爆破片在使用中具有正常性能,对安装爆破片的压力容器提出了爆破片常温弹性极限压力的概念。

    The conception of bursting disk 's ultimate elasticity prussure in normal temperature was advanced for the pressure vessel installed with bursting disk to ensure that the gas leak test could be carried out successfully and the bursting disk would have the correct property in the procedure of it using .

  19. 气调冷库气密性的试验研究

    Test and Research on Gas Tightness of the CA Storage Room

  20. 耐压(气密性)试验报告

    Pressure test ( or gas tight test ) reports

  21. 气密封性试验中的泄漏测试方法研究

    Study on a leakage test method in air-sealed experiments

  22. 泄漏测试是材料/结构气密封性试验中经常要遇到的问题。

    The leakage test is frequently an important matter during air-sealed experiment in respect of material / structure .

  23. 耐压(气密性)试验报告新型耐高温耐油聚硫代醚密封剂的研究

    Pressure test ( or gas tight test ) reports Study on a novel heat resistant and fuel resistant polythioether sealant

  24. 为泡沫进行添加无机物和泡沫的气密性等其他特性试验研究提供参考数据,为煤矿井下漏风通道的快速封堵或火区巷道的快速封堵技术提供理论依据。

    It afford the reference data for the experimental research of adding inorganic in foam and gas tightness of foam . And it afford the theory evidence for rapidly closure of air leakage channel in mine and closed fire district .