
  • 网络beauty of rhythm
  1. 气质美的艺术特征是主体的自然性和社会性。

    The beauty of disposition shows the naturalness of the main body .

  2. 健美操运动中造型美、节奏美、气质美的艺术特征

    Artistic features of beauty of mould , beauty of rhythm and beauty of disposition in calisthenics

  3. 篮球魅力体现在比赛的胜负难测,赛场上运动员的整体精神与气质美,球星的个性魅力等方面;

    The charm of basketball reflects in the unpredictable results of the matches , the team spirit and disposition beauty of the players and the individual charm of sports stars .

  4. 艺术体操以它独特的形体美、气质美、运动美,培养高层次、社会型人才而越来越受到女大学生的喜爱。

    Eurhythmics is becoming more and more popular with female college students due to its form beauty , temperament beauty and sports beauty and due to its being used for the training of high-level social talents .

  5. 高校女生参加健美操锻炼的实践表明,健美操运动能较全面改善女大学生的身体外形结构,消除多余脂肪,增强肌力,提高身体素质,对其形体美、气质美有良好的促进作用。

    Their experience in body building shows that body building can improve female college students ' body shape , remove extra fat , strengthen their muscles , enhance their physical diathesis and play stimulative role in fitness and image .

  6. 女性的以体貌和气质之美、衣着和修饰之美获得男权社会的更多欣赏和关注。

    Women obtained attention and appreciation from man-centered society by beauty of body and makings and by beauty of clothing and make-up .

  7. 同一众90后演员相比,尹恩惠身上散发着成熟干练的气质,她的美没有侵略性,更多显现出的是端庄和典雅。

    Compared with actors born in the 1990s , Yun radiates an aura of sophistication , with less audacity but more elegance and grace .

  8. 秘书人员以其外形特征和风度气质显示形象美;以其崇高理想和美好情操显示人格美;

    Secretarial personnel visualize their beauty with personal characteristics and mettle , personify their beauty with noble ideals and fine sentiments , and act out their beauty with diligent and harmonious work .

  9. 她融和了庄、屈精神,体现了个人仪态形貌之美与内在才能、气质、人格之美的统一,是魏晋风度的典型体现。

    The lady combines the spirit in Zhuang Tsu and Qu Yuan , embodies the unity of individual beauty in manner , appearance , talent , temperament , and personality-an embodiment of the typical grace in Wei and Jin dynasties .