
  • 网络climate variability;climatic variability
  1. 热带太平洋气候变率的三类模态及与ENSO强度变化的关系

    Three modes of climate variability of tropical Pacific and its relation to ENSO strength variation

  2. 随着气候变率与可预报性研究(CLIVAR计划)的实施,年代际气候变率研究已经成为国际气候研究的一个新热点。

    With the implementation of Climate Variability and Predictability Program ( CLIVAR ), the research of interdecadal climate variability has become a hot point .

  3. 结果表明,在(2×CO2)条件下,灌溉小麦的模拟产量在所有样点都增加了,但随着气候变率的增大,增产幅度减小,产量变异系数增大,稳产性变差;

    The results show that the simulated yields of irrigated wheat increase at all sites . With increasing of the climatic variability , the yield increase amplitude would be reduced , the variation coefficient of the yields and their instability would also increase .

  4. 利用一个全球海气耦合模式(BCM),结合观测资料,讨论了热带太平洋强迫对北大西洋年际气候变率的影响。

    The contribution of the tropical Pacific forcing to the North Atlantic interannual time scale variability is addressed by using the output of a global ocean-atmosphere coupled model namely Bergen Climate Model ( BCM ) in combination with the observational data .

  5. 20世纪印度洋气候变率特征

    On the variability of the Indian Ocean during the 20th century

  6. 北极海冰气候变率的模拟研究

    A Simulation on Sea Ice Climate Variability in Arctic Ocean

  7. 中国东部区域土壤湿度的变化及其与气候变率的关系

    Relationship between regional soil moisture variation and climatic variability over East China

  8. 全球大气位势高度场气候变率的球函数分析

    Analysis on Spherical Function Structures of Climatic Variability for Global Atmospheric Geopotential Height Fields

  9. 年代际气候变率问题的研究

    Review of studies on interdecadal variability in climate

  10. 与气候变率有关的几个海洋学问题


  11. 东北地区东北部和西南渤海沿海附近气候变率较大。

    Climate variability in the northeastern and southwest of the Bohai Sea coast is bigger .

  12. 千年尺度气候变率的研究

    Climate variability at millennial time scales

  13. 海-气耦合系统的非线性不稳定行为与年际气候变率

    Nonlinear instability behavior of coupled air - sea system and its relation to the interannual climate variability

  14. 对雨养水稻来说,气候变率对广州、长沙两地的产量有正面影响,且这种影响与变率呈正相关;

    To rainfed rice , climate variability has a positive effect on its yield in Guangzhou and Changsha .

  15. 指出根据研究的目标可以分为三个阶段:模拟大气平均状况、敏感性实验及气候变率的模拟。

    Three stages are identified according to the objectives of the studies , simulation of normal regime of the climate , sensitivity experiments , and simulation of climatic variability .

  16. 由于海洋特别是海洋次表层具有巨大的热惯性,海洋环流在年代际气候变率中所起的作用已得到越来越多的重视。

    Since the ocean , especially its subsurface , has large thermal inertia , the effect caused by the ocean on the interdecadal climate variability has been attached more and more importance .

  17. 东亚地区受独特的地理位置、植被分布和季风环流的影响,是世界上气候变率最大的地区之一,对该地区气候进行研究的难度相对较大。

    East Asia with the unique geographic location , vegetation distribution and monsoon climate have relatively largest climate variability in the world , meanwhile the simulation difficult is also larger than other domain .

  18. 江汉平原涝渍农业生态系统的主要特征是:气候变率加大,分布更加不均;

    The mostly characteristic of waterlogging ecosystem in Jianghan Plain were about : the frequency of climate change was becoming big , the distribution of rainfall in a year was becoming more not uniformity ;

  19. 还指出,80年代后我国的长江中下游夏季降水处于高基本态与高气候变率时段,应注意频繁发生的夏季洪涝灾害。

    The summer rainfall there is in a phase of high base state and high climate variability after the 1980s so that we must be aware of frequent occurrence of summer flood / drought events ;

  20. 无论是温度还是降水,其变率随时间而变,目前均处于高气候变率时段,要注意高基本态和高变率结合易导致的高温、洪涝等极端气候事件;

    Climate variability also varies with time , and at present both temperature and precipitation are in a phase of high base state and high climate variability so that we should be aware of frequent occurrences of extreme climate events .

  21. 利用1951~1995年长江三角洲的气象观测资料,研究分析了该地区近45年来气温、降水及各种极端温度的变化、气候变率及主要气象灾害。

    Based on the meterological observation data in the Yangtze Delta in 1951 ~ 1995 , this paper analyzes the climate change of meteorological clements such as mean air temperature and precipitation , maximum and minimum air temperature , major meteorological disasters .

  22. CO2倍增时气候及其变率变化对黄淮海平原冬小麦生产的影响

    Assessing the Impacts of Doubled CO_2 Climate Change and Its Variability on Winter Wheat Production in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain of China

  23. 热带太平洋海温异常气候态变率与我国气候异常

    Climatic variability of the tropical Pacific SSTA and its relations to Chinese climate anomaly

  24. 由于中国温度变化的幅度并未超过气候自然变率的范围,所以目前还不能确定这种变化是由人类活动引起的。

    Therefore , it is uncertain that the above temperature variation is caused by human activity .

  25. 结果表明气候年际变率导致全球植被总覆盖度下降,其中树和灌木减少而草增加;

    Results show that interannual climate variability reduces mean global vegetation coverage , with less trees and shrubs but more grass ;

  26. 气候及其变率变化对长江中下游稻区水稻生产的影响

    Impacts of Climate Change and Its Variability on Rice Production in the Middle and Lower Valley of the Yangtze River , China

  27. 一些重要的大气变量包括表面空气温度,海平面气压和降水率用来评估GOALS模式模拟当代气候和气候变率的能力。

    Some fundamental atmospheric variables including surface air temperature ( SAT ), sea level pressure ( SLP ) and precipitation are examined to evaluate the ability of the GOALS model to simulate the contemporary climate and climate variability .

  28. 近百年气候变化与变率的诊断研究

    Diagnostic studies on the climate change and variability for the period of 1880-1990

  29. 开展高分辨率的黄土记录研究,是揭示过去气候变迁和变率的主要途径。

    Study on the high resolution loess record from the Chinese loess plateau is the main approach to reveal the past climatic change and variability .

  30. 气候模式的年际变率和可预测性

    Interannual variability and predictability in a global climate model