
  1. 与A类台站相比,B类台站平均气温、最高气温和最低气温的气候平均值表现出一致偏高的特征,最低气温偏高最多;

    Comparing with Group A , daily mean , maximum and minimum temperatures of Group B were higher , especially minimum temperature .

  2. 中央气象台中期科按照WMO的要求,自2003年1月1日起开始使用新的气候平均值(1971~2000年30年平均值)。

    Med range forecast section of Central Meteorological Observatory will use new climatological normals of the period 1971-2000 from on January 1st , 2003 according to the requests by WMO .

  3. 两个30年气候平均值的差异及其对气候业务的影响

    Difference of Two 30-Year Averages and Its Influence on Operational Climatic Analysis

  4. 新气候平均值在中期预报业务中的应用

    Application of New Normals to Med-Range Forecast Operation

  5. 深圳气候平均值的变化

    Variation of Climatological Mean Values in Shenzhen

  6. 从而使有限年代的资料计算出的气候平均值可以代表更长年代的平均情况。

    Therefore , the climatic mean computed with long-lasting data is able to represent longer-lasting mean state .

  7. 随著05W移离吕宋,预料它将能于登陆前以气候平均值速度增强。

    As05W and its convections leave Luzon , it is expected to intensify at about climatological rate .

  8. 降水量虽然没有一致的增加或减少的趋势,但自从1990年开始,降水距平百分率低于气候平均值,变化异常;

    Although there is an absence of a monotonically increasing or decreasing trend , the change of precipitation is extreme , since about 1990 it has become below the 30-year mean .

  9. 沙漠为035左右。总的来说,估算结果比较合理,能够较好地反映出中国地表反照率的时间、空间变化特征,也能反映多年气候平均值的特点。

    The estimated values of surface albedo at desert is about 0.35 . Generally , the study result is reasonable and can distinctly reflect the feature of spatio-temporal distribution of surface albedo that represented a long-term climatic condition in China .

  10. 各类型的气候因子平均值经矩阵转换构成三维相似空间,分别以三原色的色调代表各气候类型在不同维上的相似距离,用GIS以合成色彩表示各气候类型的空间相似程度。

    The spatial similarity of groups were displayed by GIS using compound of three primary colors to represent three dimension configuration of group similarity transformed from intra_group climatic variable mean matrix .

  11. 气候生产潜力多年平均值为8148.4kg/hm~2,年际波动较大。

    The wheat 's average climate potential productivity 5904.6 kg / hm2 , that of maize is 8148.4 kg / hm2 ; variance between years very large .