
qì dù bù fán
  • 熟语Extraordinary bearing;uncommon personality
  1. 新来的首席执行官气度不凡。

    The new CEO has a distinguished bearing .

  2. 金色的流苏使整个讲道坛富显华贵,气度不凡。

    The golden tassels endow the pulpit with garishness and nobleness .

  3. 但德鲁别洛斯-莫拉村的建筑更显气度不凡。

    But Rubielos de Mora is , if anything , even more impressive architecturally .

  4. 每座康复中心气度不凡、魅力十足、让人过目不忘,它们提出了很难回答的问题。

    Each centre is extraordinary , charming and challenging and they ask difficult questions .

  5. 琼斯将军身材高大,气度不凡,他是前任美国海军陆战队司令。

    General Jones is a tall , imposing former commandant of the U.S. Marine Corps .

  6. 那个身材魁梧、气度不凡的人环视了一下室内,对大家报以微笑。

    The commanding figure looked round the room , blessing the group with a small smile .

  7. 不,岁月虽然毁掉了她的青春与美貌,却使他变得更加容光焕发,气度不凡,落落大方,无论从哪个方面看,他身上的优点长处都是有增无减。

    No : the years which had destroyed her youth and bloom had only given him a more glowing , manly , open look , in no respect lessening his personal advantages .

  8. 一款在身气度不凡的是这种名牌皮夹克、皮风衣。那秋人身穿皮夹克,把过耳的头发梳得油光水亮。

    It is this famous Brand leather jacket or leather parka that makes you have an unusual demeanour when you wear it . The gang wore leather jackets and had long hair plastered down over their ears .

  9. 她是个非常平凡的歌手;她的歌唱技巧和风格都非常平庸而已.一款在身气度不凡的是这种名牌皮夹克、皮风衣。

    She is just a very ordinary singer , her singing techniques and style are very mediocre . It is this famous Brand leather jacket or leather parka that makes you have an unusual demeanour when you wear it .

  10. 在10年的教练生涯中,为上镜形象而烦恼的男性屈指可数。我向你保证,这决不是因为男性高管个个英俊潇洒,气度不凡。

    In a decade of coaching , I can count on one hand the number of men who have been bothered by the way they look on camera , and let me assure you it 's not because they all look so good .