
  • 网络Qi Sect;air bending
  1. 除了《克隆人战争》,贝克还在诸如《美国老爹》,《降世神通:最后的气宗》,以及《Ben10:外星战士》这样的热播剧中为几百个角色和生物配过音。

    In addition to The Clone Wars , Baker has voiced hundreds of characters and creatures in such hit shows as American Dad , Avatar : The Last Airbender and Ben10 : Alien Force , just to name a few .

  2. 降世神通-最后的气宗。

    Avatar-the last air bender !

  3. 《最后的气宗》全球票房达3.2亿美元,但在烂番茄影评网上的好评率仅有6%。

    The film made nearly $ 320 million at global box offices , but received only a6 percent favorable rating at review aggregating website RottenTomatoes . com .

  4. 金酸莓奖主办方表示,《最后的气宗》根据动画电视剧改编,原漫画作品的部分年轻观众对电影改编很不满。

    Organizers of the " awards " noted the film was based on an animated television show , and some young viewers of the cartoon were unhappy with the movie adaptation .

  5. 以恶搞奥斯卡著称的好莱坞年度最烂影片“金酸莓奖”上周六颁出,动作片《最后的气宗》和喜剧《欲望都市2》囊括多项大奖。

    Action flick " The Last Airbender " and comedy " Sex and the City 2 " earned the wrathof Razzie voters on Saturday in the annual Oscarspoof that spotlights Hollywood 's worst performances .