
  • 【石油】bubble ratio
  1. 十年前,天文学家们在观察遥远的宇宙时发现了闪光的巨型氢气泡,比在宇宙中见到过的任何系统都要大。

    A decade ago , astronomers surveying the distant universe discovered giant blobs of shining hydrogen gas bigger than anything ever seen in the cosmos .

  2. 然而通过计算表明,另一种阻力关系&球形气泡阻力要比Stokes阻力更合适。

    However , the computed results shows that the spherical bubble drag as an alternative is suitable better than the Stokes .

  3. 同时,随着两个气泡初始半径比的增大,小气泡的变形程度增强,位于两个气泡中间的几何空间上的压力梯度增大。

    Meanwhile , as the radius ratio of the two bubbles increases , the degree of deformation of the smaller bubble and the pressure gradient between the two bubbles increase .

  4. 对于浑浊的近海海水,海中气泡对遥感反射比的影响可以忽略。

    If the seawater is turbid , the contribution of oceanic air bubbles on remote-sensing reflectance can be neglected .

  5. 基于观测数据的分析,研究了海中气泡对遥感反射比的贡献以及对大气校正的影响。

    Based on the analysis of observing data , the contribution of air bubbles to remote-sensing reflectance was examined , as well as the influence of air bubbles on atmospheric correction .

  6. 结果表明,不采用多孔介质模型计算的气泡的逃逸速度比采用多孔介质模型大,且随着底吹流量的增加,偏差加大。

    The results show that when the porous media model is not used , the calculated escape velocity of bubbles is larger , and the difference becomes larger with increasing the gas flow rate .

  7. 微纳米气泡由于具有气泡尺寸小、比表面积大、吸附效率高、在水中上升速度慢等特点,在气浮净水、水体增氧、生物制药、精密化学反应等领域有重要应用价值。

    Micro bubbles , featured with small size , comparatively big surface , high adhesive efficiency , low floating speed in water , play an important role in the application fields such as air floatation water purification , water reoxygenation , pharmacy , and precise chemical reaction .

  8. 测量结果表明竖直圆管稳定层流泡状流中变形气泡可被近似成以一定倾角稳定上升的扁椭球体,并得到了计算气泡变形比的经验公式。

    The results showed that the bubbles are similar to the oblate ellipsoids which rectilinear rise with an incline angle in fully developed bubbly laminar flows in vertical pipes .