
  • 网络The economics of Climate Change
  1. 早在上世纪70年代末在剑桥大学攻读博士学位时,他就开始在气候变化经济学和可再生能源领域里默默耕耘。

    He has been working on the economics of climate change and renewable energy sources since he did his PhD at Cambridge in the late 1970s .

  2. 根据英国财政部上月(10月30日)出版的关于气候变化经济学的Stern报告,气候变化可能导致全球经济衰退达20%。

    According to the Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change published by the UK Treasury last month ( 30 October ), climate change could shrink the global economy by up to20 per cent .

  3. 这些人包括英国经济学家尼克斯特恩(NickStern),他是2006年关于气候变化经济学的英国政府报告的作者。

    He asked other conference speakers , including British economist Nick Stern , author of the 2006 UK government report on the economics of climate change .

  4. 英国经济学家、曾撰写2006年气候变化经济学评论的尼古拉斯斯特恩爵士(sirnicholasstern)表示,这些计划可能催生“一个庞大的国际市场”,在几十年内推动世界各地的环保技术投资。

    They could unleash " a huge international market " driving investment in green technologies across the world for decades , says Sir Nicholas Stern , the British economist who wrote a 2006 Review on the economics of climate change .

  5. Toulmin说,试图复制关于气候变化经济学的斯特恩报告的成功将会很困难,因为很难定义生物多样性,而测量和估价生物多样性更难。

    Trying to mirror the success of the Stern Review on the economics of climate change will be difficult because biodiversity is harder to define , harder to measure and harder to cost , argues Toulmin .

  6. 作者关达博是一位气候变化经济学与政策研究方面的专家。

    Professor Dabo Guan is an expert in climate change economicsand policy .

  7. 评估气候变化的经济学意义是该项目的自然延伸。

    His position reviewing the economics of climate change was the natural extension of that project .

  8. 去年夏天,财政部大臣戈登布朗曾要求我在全面分析科学数据和研究最新经济文献的基础上,研究气候变化的经济学原理。

    In summer last year the chancellor , Gordon brown , asked me to examine the economics of climate change , basing the analysis on sound science and the latest economic literature .

  9. 格布教授表示:“你无法想象这份报告能够在两年前达成,当时美国对气候变化的经济学问题持完全不同的立场。”

    Prof Grubb said : " you could not conceive that this report would have been agreed two years ago , when the US was in a completely different position regarding the economics of climate change . "

  10. 中国东北农业生产适应气候变化的行为经济学解释

    Adaptation of Agricultural Production to Climate Change in Northeast China : A Behavioral Economics Interpretation

  11. 碳排放权交易,作为一种市场化手段,是近年来讨论全球气候变化问题的经济学范畴之一。

    Being one of the methods to be market-oriented , emission permits trade of carbon has been one of the economics categories of global climate change , which has frequently discussed in recent years .

  12. 全球气候变化问题引起了国际社会的普遍关注,气候变化经济学成为当前各国学者研究的热点。

    Global climate change caused widespread concern in the international community , the economics of climate change has become the focus of current research .