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  • 网络CHAOS;Dog Fight;choas;mêlée
  1. 看守的人吓得浑身乱战,赶快跑到城里去报告。

    The frightened soldiers ran into the city to tell the news .

  2. 普瑞斯莉亚:哇,我还是更喜欢我们这种乱战或拉锯战!

    Priscilla : Wow , I think I prefer our knock-down , drag-out fights !

  3. 而他在这场法律冲突乱战中谋杀未遂的指控责备撤销。

    A charge of attempted murder in violation of the laws of war was dropped .

  4. 乱战碟机标准

    An Unrest War Of Video Players Standards

  5. 看守的人,就因他吓得浑身乱战,甚至和死人一样。

    And for fear of him the keepers did shake , and became as dead men .

  6. 通常,这会导致三方乱战,疯狂的民众会发出更加大声地喊叫,因为这愚蠢的战斗会导致更多的伤痛和血腥。

    Often this resulted in three-way combat , which the mob approved with loud cheering , as the awkward combat would result in an excess of bloodshed and pain .

  7. 当黑棋在二路跳,意欲逼迫白棋补棋时,朴先发制人,打入黑棋高拆三,双方陷入乱战之中。

    When the black jumped on the second line to force the white to mend itself , Park got the drop on and invaded the black 's high three-space extension . A melee started between the two sides .