
  • 网络It's a mess;Out of Order
  1. 很多美国人认为他们的司法体系已经乱套了。

    Many Americans think their legal system has gone haywire .

  2. 要是各行其是,那就乱套了。

    If everyone acts as he pleases , everything will be in a muddle .

  3. 正是这一思绪的变化让奇异博士分了心,导致法术没有按预期施展,轰的一声,顷刻间平行宇宙乱套了。

    Those second thoughts distract Doctor Strange enough that the spell doesn 't cast as intended and boom : instant multiverse madness .

  4. 在打开这个程序之后,我的电脑完全乱套了,就好像我在用LeapMotion打太极一样。

    Upon launching the program , my computer totally freaked out , as if I was using the leap to shadow box .

  5. 这事简直乱套了,是不是?

    It just got all twisted , didn 't it ?

  6. 理查森和拉克尔肖斯都辞职了,全都乱套了。

    Richardson and Ruckelshaus have resigned and all hell has broken loose .

  7. 这样不就乱套了?

    That would set up apart , though , wouldn 't it ?

  8. 他身体的化学机能都乱套了。

    His body 's chemistry is out of kilter .

  9. 乱套了。人们都到我们家里进行推销。

    A : People keep coming to our house to sell us things .

  10. 上周那48小时真是惊心动魄,一切都乱套了。

    What an epic 48 hours it has been .

  11. 一切都乱套了,乔伊有只大手!

    Everything is so distorted ! Looks like Joey has a giant hand !

  12. 为什么呢?因为在这之前乱套了,你看地价和房

    Why ? Because before this went wrong , you see land and housing

  13. 他让我们整个警局都乱套了!

    He 's driven the entire police department crazy !

  14. 对,是上帝的错,他把一切都搞乱套了。

    It 's God 's fault . He gave him the wrong co-ordinates .

  15. 亲爱的,为什么你的生活乱套了?

    Honey , why is your life falling apart ?

  16. 我们的酒店预订全乱套了。

    Our hotel reservations got all screwed up .

  17. 然后,学术圈就全乱套了。

    And then all academic hell broke loose .

  18. 合法那社会不乱套了吗?

    Wouldn 't that turn society upside down ?

  19. crazy:疯狂的这个世界…乱套了。

    Blair : This world , it 's -- it 's , crazy . -

  20. 没有他今晚一切都会乱套了

    Without him , things could 've gone really fucking wrong tonight . Fuck ! Don 't !

  21. 加速器启动后我们都觉得自己是个英雄,然后一切都乱套了。

    The accelerator went active , we all felt like heroes , and then , it all went wrong .

  22. 拉中提琴的年轻小伙子倒了霉,一下翻过去两页,这么一来就乱套了。

    The young fellow playing the viola had the misfortune to turn over two pages at once , and the resulting confusion .

  23. 当齐佩瓦夏令营的感恩节剧目确定由万思娣(克里斯蒂娜·里奇饰)扮演印第安公主宝嘉康蒂后,一切都乱套了。性情乖戾的万思娣决定在演出时搞破坏,好让加里·格兰杰(彼得·迈克尼科尔饰)后悔选她出演。

    When Wednesday ( Christina Ricci ) is cast as Pocahontas in Camp Chippewa 's Thanksgiving play , all hell breaks loose .

  24. 另外近来我们开始收购一些电子游戏,至此全乱套了,以一种非常有趣的方式乱了。

    But also , more recently , we started acquiring video games , and that 's where all hell broke loose in a really interesting way .

  25. 要是我们还继续叫神秘人神秘人的,一切就都乱套了。我看直呼伏地魔的大名也没有任何理由害怕。

    It all gets so confusing if we keep saying ' You-Know-Who . ' I have never seen any reason to be frightened of saying Voldemort 's name .

  26. 不错,他答道,我的保护人待我非常亲切。对,是上帝的错,他把一切都搞乱套了。

    " True ," he replied , " and my protector is very kind . " It 's God 's fault . He gave him the wrong co-ordinates .