
luàn shí
  • stone riprap;sneck
乱石[luàn shí]
  1. 一阵乱石砸向警察。

    A rain of stones descended on the police .

  2. 小径迂回于乱石之间。

    The path twists in and out among the rocks .

  3. 一阵乱石、乱箭、灰尘、灰烬

    A shower of stones , arrows , dust , ash

  4. 钉十字架不是犹太人的刑罚,乱石砸死才是。

    Crucifixion is not a Jewish punishment , that would be stoning .

  5. 细胞重度多形性,排列紊乱,似乱石铺堆;

    Marked cell pleomorphism arranged irregularly , like a disordered stone pavement ;

  6. 他失败了,于是被乱石砸死并被砍了头。

    When he failed , he was stoned and beheaded .

  7. 这本是乱石的群山如此寂静

    The quietude of the mountains carved out of stone

  8. 他隐没在乱石之中。

    He was out of sight in the rocks .

  9. 泰坦们拔起大树,并且掷出一阵乱石回答了他。

    The Titans answered him by a shower of great rocks and uprooted trees .

  10. 过去寡妇是不允许重新嫁人的,否则,就要被乱石砸死。

    Widows were forbidden to remarry and were stoned to death if they did .

  11. 电视画面显示小林村附近的街道被厚厚的淤泥和乱石所覆盖。

    Footage showed the streets of a village near Hsiao-lin covered by thick mud and rubble .

  12. 终身干了一辈子活的人,在这块乱石丛生的地方找到各自的归宿。

    People who have spent their lives in unremitting work come to a stony resting place here .

  13. 段誉点点头,和钟灵随他而行。三人片刻间转过山坳,只见一大堆乱石之中团团坐着二十余人。

    Soon they had rounded the hill , and saw some twenty guys sitting on a mass of rocks .

  14. 那个细心的先驱者已经在丛林和无际的荒野乱石中用人烧出了一条宽敞大道。

    The careful pioneer had blazed a clear trail through the woods and amidst the endless wilderness of rock .

  15. 他们两个一瘸一拐地,吃力地走下河岸,有一次,走在前面的那个还在乱石中间失足摇晃了一下。

    THEY limped painfully down the bank , and once the foremost of the two men staggered among the rough-strewn rocks .

  16. 亚哈王为将耶斯列人拿伯的葡萄园占为己有,作自己的菜园,而使其被乱石打死。

    Naboth the Jezreelite was killed by stoning for his vineyard to be used as a private vegetable patch by King Ahab .

  17. 这时候,天还没有完全黑,他借着留连不散的暮色,在乱石中间摸索着,想找到一些干枯的苔藓。

    It was not yet dark , and in the lingering twilight he groped about among the rocks for shreds of dry moss .

  18. 乱石砸死是犹太人死刑的手段;,钉十字架是罗马人死刑的手段,保罗是知道的。

    Stoning was the Jewish means of capital punishment ; crucifixion was the Roman means of capital punishment , and Paul knows this .

  19. 这一片海鸟栖身的荒地上,满地都是乱石,一点草木也不生,它是不是还和其他较重要的群岛相连呢?

    Was this barren spot the desolate refuge of sea-birds , strewn with stones and destitute of vegetation , attached to a more important archipelago ?

  20. 他为山顶上那些中世纪的城堡而欢呼雀跃。放眼望去,离那座山几里远的地方有一块空地,在山谷的乱石丛中生长着一小片橄榄林。

    Here , a few miles away on the bare mountainside , there was arid space , and the olive groves , clustered in the stone-cluttered valleys below .

  21. 在稍远的地方,她觉得仿佛有堆伸出来的乱石,没准能遮挡雨水,于是她小心翼翼地往那边走。

    In the middle distance she thought she could see a jumbled outcrop of rock which might provide some shelter , and she started to pick her way towards it .

  22. 群落结构按照采石作业区、道路边坡、乱石堆、山顶裸岩、排土堆、泥石堆和撂荒地的顺序由简单变复杂。

    The community structures from simple to complex are Mining area , Road slope , Abandoned stone area , Bare rock , Hillock , Soil and stone pile , Abandoned land in turn .

  23. 笔者在宁夏贺兰山东麓的乱石坡上,曾拣到一枚石斧,经考古学家鉴定为新石器时期的遗物。

    Once on a rock-strewn slope of the eastern foothills of Helan Mountain , the writer of the present article happened on a stone axe which archaeologists later identified as an artifact of the Neolithic Age .

  24. 革命精神的战云笼罩着街垒顶部,在那里群众的呼声象上帝的声音那样轰鸣着,一种奇异的威严从这巨人的乱石背篓里流露出来。

    The spirit of revolution covered with its cloud this summit where rumbled that voice of the people which resembles the voice of God ; a strange majesty was emitted by this titanic basket of rubbish .

  25. 他的棺木被一老仆埋于杭州西郊鹭鹚岭下的乱石堆中,一直到整整100年后,才被人偶然发现。

    His coffin , which was buried in a huddle of unmarked stones under the Mount Lu Ci in outskirts of Hangzhou , was not discovered until someone found it by chance after fully 100 years .

  26. 他们发现如果从形成“石窟”的乱石堆上画一条垂直线到地面来,那么“花岗石宫”在峭壁上的位置就正在这条线和慈悲河口峭壁凸出的地方中间。

    It was found to be just at that part of the cliff which was between the projection at the mouth of the Mercy and a perpendicular line traced above the heap of rocks which formed the Chimneys .

  27. 醉酒之人一经发现将获80鞭刑,已婚人士犯通奸罪会被乱石砸死,如果是未婚人士,则受100鞭刑后流放外疆。

    Those who are found to have drunk alcohol will be given 80 lashes while those who commit adultery will be stoned to death if they are married or given 100 lashes and exiled if they were not .