
  • 网络in a mess,in utter confusion
  1. 根叔到老王家时,正乱成一锅粥。

    Uncle Gen arrived at Old Wang 's house to see everything was in a mess .

  2. 尽管喀布尔这个时期乱成一锅粥,但它和该国各大城市地区一样,仍牢固地保持在政府的控制下。

    Although Kabul took a pasting this time , it remains , along with all the country 's big urban areas , emphatically under government control .

  3. 他的脑子乱成一锅粥,慢慢地骑着车回苏瓦松。上床以后,一连好几个钟头睡不着觉。

    His thoughts in a whirl , he rode slowly back to Soissons , and when he went to bed he couldn 't get to sleep for hours .

  4. 但是如果其要务是保证公民的就业、安全、经济安逸、寿命更长,那么日本并不全然是乱成一锅粥。

    But if it is to keep its citizens employed , safe , economically comfortable and living longer lives , it is not making such a terrible hash of things .

  5. 时间将宇宙有序地组织起来&谢天谢地,否则我们的世界就会乱成一锅粥了。

    Time organizes the universe into an ordered series of moments , and thank goodness ; what a mess it would be if reality were complete different from moment to moment .

  6. 在另一些国家,抗议可能会乱成一锅粥,特别是在反对派实现了他们的唯一共同目标(即推翻现政权)后出现分裂的情况下;说到这里,我们马上会想到两个国家&埃及和突尼斯。

    In others they could become chaotic , especially if oppositions splinter having achieved the one objective on which they agree : the ousting of the existing regime ; Egypt and Tunisia both come to mind here .

  7. 弗利丑闻使整个共和党乱成了一锅粥。

    Foley scandal has messed up the whole Republican Party .

  8. 几架航班被取消,到处都是乘客和行李&候机大厅乱成了一锅粥。

    Disapproving several planes were cancelled , there were passengers and baggage everywhere & the airport lounge was like a madhouse .

  9. 有个胡子拉碴的家伙说,老埃比尼泽.多尔斯特的儿子也不知是走失了还是被人拐走了,顶峰镇乱成了一锅粥。

    An old man there says he hears Summit is all worried because of Ebenezer Dorset 's boy having been lost or stolen .