
  • 网络cookin;NANTA
乱打 [luàn dǎ]
  • [slam;beat without discrimination] 不管三七二十一地一顿猛击

  1. 她挥棒乱打以赶走那几条狗。

    She laid about herself with her stick to keep the dogs off .

  2. 弗兰普顿乱打一通,没有打到沃丁顿却打到了一位老人。

    Frampton struck out blindly , hitting not Waddington , but an elderly man .

  3. 他抓起一根棍棒向四下乱打。歇斯底里的;

    He seized a stick and laid to in all directions .

  4. 批哩啪啦乱打一通,希望能蒙到。

    Firing off bullets and hoping they hit the target .

  5. 他抓起一根棍子,拼命地乱打起来。

    He seized a club and began to lay on for dear life .

  6. 愤怒的群众把那个小偷乱打一顿。

    The angry crowd hailed blows on the thief .

  7. 我们接近她时,她就挥棒乱打。

    As we approached her , she laid about her with a stick .

  8. 小约翰拿起一根棍子拼命乱打。

    Little John seized a club and began to lay on for dear life .

  9. 他随即捡起一根木棍一通乱打。

    He grabbed a club and started swinging .

  10. 然后就是乱打一气,直到警察把我抓住才住手。

    Then a general fight started , until the policeman got hold of me .

  11. 两个助手冲上前,挥起手杖乱打那些男孩。

    Two assistants sprang forward and began to lay about the boys with sticks .

  12. 他冲到那群恶棍中间,毫无畏惧地向四面八方乱打。

    He rushed into the midst of the hooligans and laid about him fearlessly .

  13. 歹徒在绝望中向四周乱打一气。

    The ruffian laid about in desperation .

  14. 猎人被一群狼困住,他挥舞着一根很重的棍子向四面八方乱打。

    The hunter trapped by a pack of wolves laid about with a heavy stick .

  15. 他不知道怎么打,只是朝各个方向乱打。

    He does not know how to fight , he just lashes out in all directions .

  16. 挥拳向四面八方乱打

    Hit out in all directions

  17. 我女儿宁愿与她的兄弟们乱打胡闹,也不愿一人玩她的洋娃娃。

    My daughter would rather join in a rough and tumble with her brothers than play with dolls .

  18. 道格拉斯如命帮他把靴脱下,拉姆齐抓起一只靴向他头颅乱打。

    Douglas did as he was ordered , and Ramsay beat Douglas around the head with a boot .

  19. 我寡不敌众,因此只得拚命乱打,直到挣脱逃走为止。

    I was outnumbered so I just law about me until I could break free and run away .

  20. 我小女儿非常勇敢,在做乱打游戏时敢与任何男孩较量。

    My young daughter is as brave as a lion and will tackle any of the boys in rough-and-tumble games .

  21. 史密斯太太没有把老鼠打死,她只是使劲用扫帚乱打,把老鼠吓跑了。

    Mrs Smith didn 't kill the mouse , but she laid about her hard with the broom that she scared it away .

  22. 获得乱打'是汇总可口的饭菜和进展,使在菜单上更复杂的美味的食物游戏,你完善你的烹饪技能。

    Get Cookin'is the game where you perfect your cooking skills by putting together tasty meals and progress to make more complicated gourmet meals on the menu .

  23. 企业没有参考对比就如同猎手在黑夜里打猎物,其结果只是乱打一气,偶然有结果,更可能是巨大的损失。

    Enterprises have no reference as the hunter in the night playing the game , the result just lay a , and occasionally a result , is more likely to be a huge loss .

  24. 李麻子再不能等待命令了。他和他的二十人夹在一队群众里乱打,他们一步一步退却。

    Pockmarked Li could wait no longer , and he and his twenty men struck out wildly at the section of the crowd which was closing in on them , though they retreated step by step as they fought .

  25. 他在水里乱扑乱打,设法不被淹死。

    He beat about in the water , trying not to drown .

  26. 运用苗族彩线刺绣不同的绣法(平绣,乱针绣,打籽绣,岔针秀)来实现壁挂的各种肌理效果和情感寄托,使壁挂具有强烈的现代感,装饰感。

    Using different colored thread embroider of the miao embroidery , such as flat embroidery , disorderly needle embroidery , playing seed embroidery , the bifurcation needle embroidery , To realize all kinds of skin texture effect and the hanging emotional sustenance , to make hanging impressively contemporary , decorative .