
  • 网络Cangyuan;Gray prairie
  1. 《原野》、《张骞》、《苍原》可视为新时期严肃大歌剧创作的高峰。

    Open Country , Zhang Qian and Cang Yuan can be viewed as peaks of creative attainment in the field of serious grand opera in the new era .

  2. 歌剧《苍原》的成功向人们证实:真正有生命力的作品既要有传统的继承与吸收,更要有鲜明的个性。

    The success of Chinese opera " Zan Yuen " confirmed : the works of genuine vitality not only have inheritance and absorption , but also have a distinct personality .

  3. 最后的结语部分,对文章的脉络进行了简单梳理,进一步说明歌剧《苍原》在中国民族歌剧发展史上的作用和地位并简单总结了娜仁高娃这一人物形象的塑造。

    The final conclusion part has carried on the simple combining to the structure of the article , further illustrating the function and position of CangYuan opera in the history of the development of Chinese national opus and briefly summarizes the shaping of the characters of Na Ren Gao Wa .