
luàn shǔ
  • account or calculate carelessly or mistakenly


luàn shù
  • random number
  1. 实际上,序列密码本质上就是一个伪随机生成器G,其输出的乱数序列和随机序列是计算不可分辨的;

    In essence , stream cipher is such a pseudorandom generator that its chaos sequence of output and random sequence are computational indistinguishability ;

  2. 数学里,乱数也是一种模式。

    In math , randomness is considered a pattern .

  3. 经不同乱数取样后所得到各个因子的权重,其标准差皆相当的小,显示因子之权重是相当稳定的。

    The result shows that the standard deviation of a weight for each factor is small and means the weights are stable and reliable .

  4. 仿真结果初步证实,此种方法在移动计算环境中降低了网络信令流量,减少了乱序包数,改善了通信质量。

    Simulation results confirm that applying distributed agency structure in mobile environment improves average throughput and lowers the amount of out-of-order TCP sequence numbers to some extent .