
  • 网络Public Key;PKI
  1. 公开密钥基础设施(PublicKeyInfrastructure,简称PKI)是网络安全建设的基础与核心。

    Public Key Infrastructure ( PKI ) is considered as the fundamental base for network security construction .

  2. LotusDomino/Notes的公开密钥加密机制

    Public Key Encryption in Lotus Domino / Notes

  3. 分级管理的P型公开密钥密码体制

    P-Type Public Key Cryptosystem by Hierarchical Management

  4. 目前,利用公开密钥技术的SSL协议,已成为Internet上保密通讯的工业标准。

    Now SSL protocol becomes industry standard of secret communication on the internet .

  5. 本文以PKI公开密钥加密体制为理论基础,探讨了在Internet网络环境下的信息安全的实现问题。

    This thesis introduce the PKI theory and explore the implement of information security under Internet environment .

  6. RSA公开密钥密码算法及其在信息交换中的应用

    RSA Public-key Cipher Algorithm and Its Applications in the Information Exchange

  7. 公开密钥基础设施(PKI)核心&签证机关(CA)

    The core of public key infrastracture ( pki ) & certificate authority ( ca )

  8. 我们可以用公开密钥RSA来解决这个问题。

    It can use public key RSA for this problem .

  9. 一个基于RSA的改进公开密钥算法

    A Improved Public Key Algorithm Based on RSA 's Algorithm

  10. 素数测试在RSA公开密钥密码算法中的分析研究

    Prime Number Test and Its Analysis In the RSA Public-key Cipher Algorithm

  11. Netscape公司在推出第一个Web浏览器的同时,提出了SSL协议标准,目前为3.0版本。SSL采用公开密钥技术。

    The Netscape corporation put forward the SSL protocol whose edition is 3.0 now .

  12. RSA公开密钥密码体制及其安全性分析

    RSA Public - key Cipher System and Its Security

  13. RSA是目前最重要的公开密钥密码算法之一。

    At present RSA is one of the most important public-key cipher algorithms .

  14. 一种基于最小面积考虑的RSA公开密钥算法ASIC

    ASIC Design of RSA Public-Key Algorithm Based on Area Optimization

  15. 公开密钥算法主要有RSA和ECC等。

    RSA and ECC perhaps are the main public-key algorithms .

  16. 公开密钥基础设施PKI(PublicKeyInfrastructure)技术是目前解决电子商务、电子政务等应用中安全问题的最有效方法。

    PKI ( Public Key Infrastructure ) technology is the most efficient way to settle the security problems in the e-commerce and e-governance at present .

  17. 公开密钥密码体制RSA算法的一种实现

    Realization method of RSA algorithm in public-key cryptosystem

  18. 多数公开密钥加密系统(包括使用最广的RSA)都出自素数理论。

    Most public-key cryptosystems including RSA , the most-widely adopted stem from prime-number theory .

  19. RSA算法是被应用得最多的公开密钥算法之一。

    RSA is one of the most popular Public-Key algorithms that have been applied .

  20. 公开密钥基础设施PKI

    The Public Session Key Infrastructure PKI

  21. RSA算法是基于数论的公开密钥密码体制。

    The RSA algorithm based on the number theory is one of the public key encryption .

  22. 本文介绍公开密钥密码体制RSA算法的实现。该算法得到较快的加密、解密速率。

    RSA algorithm used for public-key cryptographic system yields a higher speed of encryption and decryption .

  23. PKI是一个为综合数字信息系统提供广泛需要的公开密钥加密和数字签名服务的基础设施。

    PKI provides the widespread demand for the synthesis numerical information system and the digital signature service .

  24. 逐渐成熟、完善的公开密钥基础设施(简称PKI)体系已成为重要的互联网安全解决方案。

    The PKI ( Public Key Infrastructure ) system is an important network security solution for Internet .

  25. 比如:握手协议,会话密钥,RSA公开密钥加密算法中密钥的产生等。

    For example : handshake protocol , session key , the production of key in RSA algorithm .

  26. 本协议基于公开密钥算法,利用了Hash函数以及传统的加密技术。

    This proto col is based on public key algorithm , Hash function and common key encryption are used .

  27. 公开密钥基础设施(PKI)是解决网络安全的技术。

    Public key infrastructure ( PKI ) is one of the important techniques for solving network security problem .

  28. 身份认证部分是设计的重点,该部分基于公开密钥基础设施(PKI)理论,详细设计了认证系统建设方案。

    The key section-identification , designed on PKI theory , makes a detailed projection on authentication system development .

  29. PKI是基于公开密钥理论和技术建立起来的一种信任体系,是提供信息安全服务的具有普适性的安全基础设施。

    PKI is a trust relationship system that set by the theory and technology based on public key .

  30. 缺乏安全性被认为是阻碍电子商务发展的主要障碍,而逐渐成熟、完善的公开密钥基础设施(PublicKeyInfrastructure,简称PKI)体系将成为重要的Internet网络安全解决方案。

    The absence of security is the main barrier of electronic business improvement . The PKI ( Public Key Infrastructure ) system is an important network security solution for Internet .