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ɡōnɡ ɡònɡ cè suǒ
  • public restroom;sanitary;lavatory;public convenience;restroom;comfort station
公共厕所 [gōng gòng cè suǒ]
  • (1) [public latrine]∶任何人都可以大小便的地方

  • (2) [comfort stop]∶厕所设施和盥洗设备公用的地方

  1. 如果变装在外,你仍然不能到公共厕所去小便,如果当地的法律禁止变装者这样做的话。

    You still can 't pee in a public restroom while cross dressed , if a local law forbids it .

  2. 25日下午,中国东部一座居民楼的公共厕所里传出阵阵婴儿的哭声,人们惊讶地发现在蹲式厕所的水管里居然困着一个婴儿。

    A newborn 's cries from a public restroom in a residential building in eastern China led a tenant to a startling discovery : a baby boy trapped in a sewage pipe beneath a squat toilet .

  3. 最近的公共厕所在车站。

    The nearest public lavatory is at the station .

  4. 弗雷德从不使用公共厕所。

    Fred never uses public toilets .

  5. 那里没有公共厕所。

    There isn 't public convenience there .

  6. 美国一个全国性的媒体宣传活动曾提出一个十分合理的问题:既然你不会在公共厕所里给你的小孩做三明治,那么你为什么认为妇女应在公厕里挤出给宝宝喝的奶呢?

    A national media campaign asks , reasonably enough , if you wouldn 't make your kid a sandwich in a public rest room , why would you expect a woman to bottle her baby 's milk in one ?

  7. 计划B:选择一条有几个公共厕所的路线,这样,您可能就会万事大吉了。

    Plan B : Pick a route with a few public restrooms along the way , so you can properly do your business .

  8. 请问这附近有公共厕所吗?

    A : Sorry , is there a public toilet around ?

  9. 公共厕所:配备有便池与洗手池供公众使用的房间。

    A room equipped with toilets and lavatories for public use .

  10. 复合型公共厕所清洗剂的研制和应用

    Study and Applications of Compound Cleaning Fluid for Public Toilet

  11. 在街道的拐角处有公共厕所。

    There is a public convenience on the corner of the street .

  12. 外面的左手边有一间公共厕所。

    There 's a public bathroom just outside and to your left .

  13. 对不起。我不知道最近的公共厕所在哪。

    I have no idea where the nearest public toilet might be .

  14. 设置公共厕所,禁止随地大小便。

    Build up public lavatory and it is prohibit relieving bowels everywhere .

  15. 学校的公共厕所发出一股恶臭。

    The cans in the school had an awful stench .

  16. 她表示,许多避难所和公共厕所也都坍塌。

    She says many of the shelters and latrines also have collapsed .

  17. 上公共厕所,男左女右;

    On public toilet , male left female right ;

  18. 还有一个饭馆,一所小学和一个公共厕所。

    There is a restaurant , an elementary school and a public toilet .

  19. 由公共厕所的规划建设引发的思考

    Afterthought from the Planning and Construction of Public Toilets

  20. 森林公园公共厕所的规划与设计

    Planning and Design of Public Toilets in Forest Park

  21. 公共厕所双重属性的演变及其重要性浅析

    Analysis on the evolution of the double properties of WC and its importance

  22. 这个城市所缺少的是,在商业中心应有公共厕所。

    What this town lacks is a public convenience in the shopping centre .

  23. 故意毁坏列车车厢、公共厕所、电梯

    Vandalize a train compartment , public convenience , lift

  24. 南昌市市中心公共厕所的建筑环境与服务质量

    The Public Toilets Architectural Environment and the Quality of Service in Downtown Nanchang

  25. 可是在这样的地方是找不到公共厕所的。

    But there would be no public lavatories in a quarter like this .

  26. 请问你从那里听闻过中国公共厕所的情况?

    How can you hear the China Public Toiliets'situation ?

  27. 请问附近有公共厕所?

    Is there a public toilet near by ?

  28. 城市公共厕所发展趋势的探讨

    Discussion on Developing Tendency to Urban Public Latrines

  29. 城市公共厕所建筑设计研究

    The Study of the City Restroom Design

  30. 城市公共厕所对环境的卫生学研究

    Sanitation study of public lavatory to environment