
chūn lián
  • Spring Festival couplets;New Year scrolls
春联 [chūn lián]
  • [Spring Festival couplets] 春节时贴在门上的对联

春联[chūn lián]
  1. 在春联上,抒发良好的祝愿。

    On the Spring Festival couplets , good wishes are expressed .

  2. 春联是怎么来的呢?

    Spring Festival couplets is how come from ?

  3. 人们提出了新的一年春联上墙,为良好的财富。

    People put New Year scrolls on the wall for good fortune .

  4. 春节贴春联,圣诞有卡片和圣诞歌。

    Paste New Year Spring Festival , Christmas carols and a card .

  5. 由一个网民写的英文版春联最近在网上很流行。

    The English spring festival couplet is very popular on the internet .

  6. 这便是我国最早的一副春联。

    This is regarded as china 's earliest spring scroll .

  7. 他们在门上和墙上贴春联。

    They put up posters on their doors and walls .

  8. 我们给很多海外的朋友寄了春联。

    I sent a spring couplet to many overseas friends .

  9. 今天我写的这种诗叫做中国春联。

    Today I 'm writing a kind of poem called a Chinese couplet .

  10. 于是,我便年年可以有免费的春联可用了。

    As a result , every year I can have a free couplets available .

  11. 带“好运”俩字的春联是最流行的。

    The poster with the word @ luck @ on it is the most popular .

  12. 此后,中国人把写春联当作是一项十分高雅、喜庆的事情。贴春联这个习俗就这样产生了。

    Chinese regard writing spring scrolls as an activity of refined taste and of joyous celebration .

  13. 时至年中,家家户户门上的春联,还格外显眼。

    By the end of year , spring festival couplets of every family will stick out particularly .

  14. 今年,亦不例外,早早地就把春联送到了我的家里。

    This year is no exception , early to put Spring Festival couplets sent to my house .

  15. 他认为我写的春联能为全家人在明年带来最好的祝福。

    He thinks my couplets will bring best wishes for the whole family in the coming year .

  16. 路人:我们排队是为了得到李大师的春联。

    Passerby : We 're waiting in line to get one of Master Li 's Chinese couplets .

  17. 春节时,中国人喜欢贴春联,春联也是用红纸写的。

    The Chinese people love to stick couplets on the Spring Festival , which are also written on red paper .

  18. 春联通常是成对张贴,因为双数在中国文化中是好运气和吉祥的象征。

    New Year couplets are usually posted in pairs as even numbers are associated with good luck and auspiciousness in Chinese culture .

  19. 她在自家的小院里种菜,农历新年里在门上贴春联。

    She plants vegetables in the field herself , and puts up spring couplets on the door during the lunar new year .

  20. 通常,门上的春联会代表着这家人的地位,以及对新年的期盼。

    Generally , the scrolls stuck on the door is to show the family status and the happiness to welcome the New Year ;

  21. 在春节前夕,也就是大年三十,爸爸和我在门上贴了春联。

    On the eve of the Spring Festival , my father and I had the red antithetical Spring Festival couplets on our doors .

  22. (春节期间,每家每户都在门口张贴春联以表达真诚美好的祝愿。)

    During the Spring Festival , every family pastes the Spring Festival couplets on their doors to express sincere blessings and good wishes .

  23. 与贴春联的目的一样,贴门神也是为了祈求全家的福寿康宁。

    As with the couplets ," door gods " are also hung on doors to pray for the peace and happiness of the family .

  24. 我们在门上贴春联,放鞭炮,点蜡烛,等待新的一年的来到。

    We have red antithetical couplets on our doors , we set off firecracker , we light candles and wait for the new year to come .

  25. 看着一副副整整齐齐放在地砖上待干的春联,想着它们将要被喜气洋洋的人们张贴在门楣。

    Watching a deputy neat to be on the floor tiles on the dry couplets , thinking they will have to be beaming people posted on the lintel .

  26. 虽然很辛苦,但看着家家户户都贴着自己写的春联,他的心里总是充满自豪。

    Though he felt tired , when he saw every household put up the couplets which were created by his hand , he felt so proud and satisfied .

  27. 春联上简洁的文字,年画上喜庆的图案都体现着人们迎接春节的心情,也意味着春节帷幕被正式拉开。

    With concise texts and festive patterns , people show their welcome for the Spring Festival . In addition , these activities indicate that the Spring Festival begins .

  28. 观赏存世的23幅“状元府”春联,既可领略名联佳对的妙趣,又可管窥张謇的思想追求、政治态度以及寄寓联中的亲情、乡情。

    The23 existing couplets belonging to the mansion house best manifest Zhang 's wit and humor , his political ambition , attitude and his attachment to hometown and relatives .

  29. 每逢春节,无论城市还是农村,家家户户都要精选一副大红春联贴于门上,为节日增加喜庆气氛。

    Every Spring Festival , both urban and rural areas , each household must select a red couplets affixed to the door in order to increase the festive atmosphere .

  30. 从前,为了过年讨吉利要写春联,小孩会准备笔墨纸砚;大人则要给家中各路神仙送行。

    In the past , children prepared for the holidays by writing New Year couplets for good luck while adults performed the important duty of sending off the household gods .