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nián yè fàn
  • family reunion dinner on the lunar New Year's Eve
  1. 一些知名餐饮老字号商家也推出外带年夜饭。

    Some time-honored and well-known restaurants have also launched takeout reunion meals .

  2. 有商家计划推出“年夜饭豪华单人套餐”。

    Some merchants are also planning to launch deluxe New Year 's Eve sets for singles .

  3. (对于大多数人来说,没有年夜饭的春节是不完整的。)

    For most people , the Spring Festival is not complete without a New Year ’ s Eve dinner .

  4. 很多一二线城市的餐馆已经在增加半成品年夜饭以及适宜1至2人食用的套餐储备,以应对年轻消费者相关需求的激增。

    Many restaurants are preparing more ready-to-cook meals and standard sets for one to two people to meet the expected spike in demand from young consumers in first and second-tier cities .

  5. 除夕的晚上,a一家及B来到一家饭店吃年夜饭。

    At New Year 's Eve evening , a 's family and B come to a restaurant to eat New Year 's food .

  6. 妈妈忙着准备年夜饭。

    My mother is busy preparing for the new year dinner .

  7. 加布里盖儿邀请乔丹一起吃年夜饭。

    Gabriella invited Jordan to enjoy New Year 's Eve dinner together .

  8. 首先,我们需要做很丰盛的一顿年夜饭!

    First , will make a big New Year meal .

  9. 年夜饭春节是与家人团聚的时间。

    New Year Feast Spring Festival is a time for family reunion .

  10. 新年到来了,除夕之夜是在公司吃的年夜饭。

    I have dinner with co-workers at New Year Eve .

  11. 肯定是要呆在家里吃这个年夜饭的。

    We definitely stay at home to have New Year 's dinner .

  12. 做年夜饭是非常费事的,你知道吗?

    It is really a pain , you know ?

  13. 例句:我们一起吃了年夜饭,看了春节联欢晚会。

    Eg : We ate dinner together , watched the Spring Festival Gala .

  14. 你想要到我家吃年夜饭吗?

    Would you like to come to my house for New Year 's Dinner ?

  15. 年夜饭我们通常要吃鱼。

    We usually have fish for dinner .

  16. 家家户户灯火齐明,全家人团聚吃年夜饭。

    Households are all brightly its , and reunited family members have a big dinner .

  17. 健康年夜饭

    Health Dinner in New Year 's Eve

  18. 我要买条最新鲜的鱼,作为年夜饭的一道菜。

    I want to buy the freshest fish available for my New Year 's Eve dinner .

  19. 昨晚这两位领导人是与那里的工人一起吃了年夜饭。

    The two leaders joined workers there for a Chinese New Year 's Eve dinner last night .

  20. 但是现在越来越多的人选择在酒店里吃年夜饭。

    Yet , today more and more families are having their new year eve dinner in hotels .

  21. 除了这几样,年夜饭还要有鱼,有肉,也差不多是一年中最丰盛的。

    Except the above mentioned food , there are also fish and meat dishes in the dinner .

  22. 在中国南方的有些地方,人们年夜饭是吃汤圆。

    In Southern China , people have Tangyuan for the dinner at the eve of Spring Festival .

  23. 我们是习惯地在大除夕夜里吃年夜饭的。

    It was our custom to have New Year dinner on the evening of New Year 's Eve .

  24. 她笑说:红薯稀饭我们的年夜饭。

    She smiled , and replied , It 's yam porridge , our New Year 's Eve dinner .

  25. 我们家的年夜饭当然还是全家一起动手包出来的饺子。

    We had dumplings made by the whole family for dinner on lunar New Year 's Eve ere .

  26. 词条解释:一个人过年也要好好吃饭!许多饭店推出了供单人和双人选择的小份制年夜饭豪华套餐,让就地过年也能过出仪式感和满足感。

    Many restaurants have added a New Year 's Eve meal-for-one and meal-for-two to their menus to attract customers .

  27. 年夜饭是所有家庭成员聚在一起必须的宴会。

    The New Year 's Feast is " a must " banquet with all the family members getting together .

  28. 新加坡《联合早报》报道称,该年夜饭可谓中国最贵。

    The dinner is regarded as the most expensive reunion dinner in China , the Singapore-based Lianhe Zaobao reported Monday .

  29. 除夕是大年三十儿吗?年夜饭都要吃些什么?

    Spring Festival Eve is the last day of the lunar year , right ? What do you have for dinner ?

  30. 她还在网上公开了这段经历,附上了一张年夜饭的照片。

    She even publicly shared her experience on the Internet , along with a photo of the food she was served .