- elderly;senior;older in age;become old in age

[senior;become old in age] 岁数大
She looks in on her elderly neighbour every evening .
Older workers can be as adaptable and quick to learn as anyone else .
He is her elder by several years .
Just because you 're older than me doesn 't mean you know everything .
They are prejudiced against older applicants .
Older Americans are among this country 's most faithful voters .
The judge thought he 'd been led astray by older children .
Many senior citizens have been through two world wars
Older mothers tend to be too idealistic about the pleasures of motherhood .
The older man asked in his oily voice what he could do for them today .
I ventured the idea that the secret of staying young was to mix with older people
After he was officially pronounced the world 's oldest man , he offered this simple formula for a long and happy life
Five years older than the majority of officers of his same rank , he was determined to make up for lost time .
My brother is senior to me by two years .
Of the three of us , I am the eldest , li is younger , and Zhang is the youngest .
That young man is getting above himself . he 's only been in the firm two weeks and he 's already telling his seniors how to do their work .
Yes , my advanced age must factor into the equation , in part because of my inability to access the information as quickly .
When your elderly relative needs to enter some sort of long-term care facility — a moment few parents or children approach without fear — what you would like is to have everything made clear .
And in my position as a professor at three different colleges , the actual problems in educating our young people and older students have deepened , while the number of people hired — not to teach but to hold meetings — has increased significantly .
" For example , most of us would expect older drivers always go slower than everyone else but surprisingly , we found that in 30mph zones they struggled to keep at a constant speed and so were more likely to break the speed limit and be at risk of getting fined . "
In the club , older students help new students learn more about the school .
One of the reasons most people don 't know is because my agent told me that my name Hazel sounded too much like a romancenovelist for older women .
Life is not as hard as it used to be , but many of the older Inuits hate modern life and want to go back to the old days .
In this view they were sedulously abetted by their mother , aunts and other elderly female relatives .
Baby hunger is the strong desire to have a baby , especially amongst older , professional women .
What injuries most commonly affect athletes running cross country , at the middle school level , high school level and beyond ?
In table tennis China 's oldest athlete Zhao Ping , 56 years old , looks to follow on his gold medal win from Rio 2016 .
The report noted that 42 percent of children who live with their parents are unemployed , and mainstream media coverage featured images of exhausted older parents accompanied by carefree , unemployed adult children .
As you get older you will understand that it does not take a beautiful face to be very attractive and appealing . That comes from self-confidence , the understanding that you are someone unique .
The term granny nanny can also refer to a nanny ( that is , a non-relative hired to care for one 's children ) who is a senior or to a person hired to care for a senior .