
  • 网络annual average
  1. 街道大气TSP中笨并(a)芘年平均值为35.6μg/1000m~3。

    The annual average concentration of Bap in Tsp was 35.6 μ g / 1000m ~ 3 .

  2. 重庆市NDVI的年平均值和各年NDVI值都表现出较强的稳定性。

    The annual average NDVI and NDVI values for each year showed strong stability in Chongqing .

  3. 上海vo的年平均值在2米/秒左右。

    The annual mean critical wind velocity is about 2m / s.

  4. 各水体pH值偏高(年平均值为8.0&9.0),属弱碱性;

    The pH value was relatively high ( annual means , 8.0 & 9.0 ) and the water was weakly alkaline .

  5. 受下垫面性质影响,反射辐射(UR)和A在1~2月明显大于其他季节,7~10月小,A在植物生长季节的5~9月平均值为0.172,年平均值为0.299。

    The average annual value of A was 0.299 and a mean of 0.172 from May to September .

  6. 道路两侧TSP中铅污染并未超出国家标准浓度限值,四个监测点年平均值0.383μg。

    TSP roads on both sides of lead pollution limits are not exceeded national standards , four monitoring points , the average 0.383 μ g.

  7. 空气污染指数(API)年平均值近三年间均有下降趋势,并针对空气污染提出了相应整改措施。

    The annual average of the air pollution index ( API ) showed a decrease tendency in recent 3 years , and put forward the air pollution preventing and curing countermeasures .

  8. 乌鲁木齐市低空下道路两侧TSP污染严重,四个监测点年平均值0.620mg。

    The Urumqi City Low Altitude Air on both sides of the road TSP serious pollution , four monitoring points , on average 0.620 mg .

  9. 统计结果表明,r0的年平均值的分布与相应地形分布基本一致,大气湍流的差异对局部地区的r0有着明显的影响。

    The geographical distribution of the annual mean r 0 at ground is in accordance with the topographical distribution basically . The effect of the variation of atmospheric turbulence on the local distribution of r 0 is apparent .

  10. 盐度年平均值为29.32,周年变化幅度不大。

    The average salinity was 29.32 , and the annual salinity changed little .

  11. 除了花序能量较低外,白三叶其余各构件能量年平均值差异并不明显,叶片、匍匐茎及根部能量的最大值分别为2423.61926.11710.1kJ/m2;

    There was little difference of average energy among leaf , stolon and root .

  12. 不包括日本,亚洲股市的预期市盈率为11倍,比10年平均值低十分之一。

    Asia ex-Japan is trading at 11 times forward earnings , a 10th below its 10-year average .

  13. 近期公布的净负债与股权比率为72%,而5年平均值为48%。

    Recently reported net debt to equity is 72 per cent compared with a five-year average of 48 per cent .

  14. 在不考虑年平均值不确定因素的情况下,2009年名义上是历史第五热。

    The current nominal ranking of2009 , which does not account for uncertainties in the annual averages , places it as the fifth-warmest year .

  15. 在美国和欧盟,失业率仍然比危机前的6年平均值分别高出4个和1.5个百分点。

    Unemployment rates are still 4 and 1.5 percentage points above the pre-crisis , six-year average in the US and the European Union respectively .

  16. 她指出,这将带动塔吉特的动态市盈率从14倍升至15.5倍的10年平均值。

    That , she argues , will help nudge its forward P / E ratio from 14 back toward its 10-year average of 15.5 .

  17. 地表径流量很少,年平均值为17.1mm,只占年降雨量的0.6%。

    Surface flow was tiny , and annual mean surface runoff was 17.1 mm , which accounted for only 0.6 % of annual rainfall .

  18. 在新任命的首席执行官中,有20%的人以往有过负责人经验,是过去11年平均值的两倍。

    Among the newly appointed chiefs , 20 per cent had prior experience at the top , double the average for the prior 11 years .

  19. 其七年平均值为38.4%。

    Its seasonal variation is the lowest , ( highest ) value appears in summer ( winter ) and its seven-year-averaged value is 38.4 % .

  20. 除夏季外,各季节地表温度均值随纬度的变化都显示出与年平均值相似的变化特征。

    In addition to the summer , the variation of the mean surface temperature for other three seasons showed the similar variation characteristics of annual mean surface temperature .

  21. 不管是单季还是年平均值,各城市三类工程的氡浓度都遵循隧道类工程远大于结建式硐室工程和单建式硐室工程的规律。

    No matter the single-seasonal values or annual averages , the radon concentrations in tunnels are quite higher than that in basements of buildings and underground shopping centers .

  22. η的季节变化比较弱,7月最高值为0.434,1月最低值为0.316,年平均值为0.40。

    η had weak seasonal variation ; η maximum appeared in July ( 0.434 ) and minimum appeared in January ( 0.316 ), the average annual value of η was 0.40 .

  23. 《史记·历书》和《汉书·律历志》分别记载了具有同一起算点,但朔望月与回归年平均值不同的两种历。

    There are two kinds of almanac both in Historical Record Almanac and Record Of Han Almanac which have the same start-point but the synodic month and the average of period different .

  24. 结果指出,总辐射和反射辐射具有抛物线分布特点,净全辐射全年均为正值,各辐射量的9年平均值具有双峰型特点。

    The results show that both total radiation and reflection radiation have a feature of parabola distribution , and net radiation is positive all year . Nine year mean of radiation has a feature of double maximum .

  25. 中国经济的一个风向标恒生指数的利润率比5年平均值低六分之一,但结构性工资上涨和高油价预示着,利润还将受到进一步挤压。

    And while profit margins on the Hang Seng , a proxy for China , are a sixth below their five-year average , structural wage inflation and high oil prices suggest the margin squeeze has further to run .

  26. 导致少数湖泊偏差较大的因素可能有:(1)遥感方法反映的是图像所在时段的某一个区域上的平均值,营养化指数法反映的是若干个采样站的年平均值;

    First , remote sensing technology reflects the average value of a certain area corresponded with TM images in a certain period , but " Modified Trophic State Index " reflects the annual average values of the monitoring points .

  27. 根据中国沿海26个验潮站资料,计算了海平面年平均值,并用最小二乘法求得年平均升降速率。

    Based on the data from 26 tidal observatories on China coast , the value of annual sea level off China coast is calculated and the annual changing rate of the sea level is obtained using least square method .

  28. 本文就连云港扩建工程后,老港区和外航道的泥沙回淤强度,根据测图水深的量计资料,采用时间和面积加权平均方法分别进行了年平均值的测算;

    The paper describes the strength of sediment siltation of the old harbour basin and its approach channel by means of weighted average calculation of the time and area based on the data of water depth on the measured maps .

  29. 各种形态磷的组成中颗粒磷所占比例最大(1983&1984年平均值),平均占总磷63.4%,溶解非活性磷所占比例最小,平均占总磷12.0%。

    As for the composition of phosphorus , the amount of the particulate phosphorus ( PP ) was the largest and the dissolved non-reactive phosphorus ( DNP ) was the smallest , amounting 63.4 % and 12.0 % of the total phosphorus , respectively , in 1983 & 1984 .

  30. 大宗商品有涨有跌,但每桶68美元的油价为过去5年的平均值,接近欧佩克(Opec)认为的正常水平。

    As for commodities , some are up , others down , but oil prices at $ 68 a barrel are at their 5-year average , about where Opec believes normal .