
nián nián yǒu yú
  • 熟语may you always get more than you wish for;have a surplus year after year
  1. 年年有余,岁岁平安。

    Having more than need every year , peace all year round .

  2. 鱼总是晚餐必不可少的,因为鱼象征着年年有余。

    Fish is always part of the dinner because it represents abundance .

  3. 他们年年有余,国泰民安。

    To grant them a peaceful and abundant year .

  4. 我们怀着激动的心情,吃了象征“年年有余”的鱼。

    It is with emotion , a symbol of eating " every year more than " fish .

  5. 这是中国结,代表吉祥如意,年年有余的意思。

    This is the knot , the representative of the national anthem , every year more than the meaning of .

  6. 鞭炮、锣鼓、中国红、梁祝,以及寓意着年年有余的‘鱼’的造型使整场演出实现了民族化和国际化的对接。

    Firecrackers , gongs , Chinese red , Butterfly Lovers , and the moral of the annual surplus of'fish'shape so that the entire performances to achieve the nationalization and international butt .

  7. 鱼是最后一道菜,并且有意不吃完此菜,其原因源于中国的说法年年有余(意思是每年都有结余),跟年年富裕谐音。

    Fish is the last course of the meal , but it is intentionally not finished . The reason for this stems from a Chinese saying , nian nian you yu ( meaning every year there is leftover ), which is a homophone for being blessed every year .