
  1. 这个度假胜地适合各种口味,老少皆宜。

    The resort is tuned in to the tastes of young and old alike .

  2. 这本完整而简短的历史文集一定老少皆宜,哪怕是最喜爱历史的人肯定也能从中找到一些新鲜感。

    This complete but brief historical collection is certain to entertain readers young and old , and guaranteed to present even the biggest history lover with something new !

  3. 来自加利福尼亚北部杜克大学的研究人员观看了32部影片,大部分出自迪士尼,级别为G(在美国相当于U级别,即老少皆宜型)。

    Researchers from Duke University in North Carolina looked at 32 films , many of them from Disney , that were rated G - the American equivalent of U - and had grossed more than $ 100million (

  4. 应用EM生物技术饲养蛋鸡,可以降低鸡蛋胆固醇含量5205%~6778%,同时可以保障高蛋白营养,降低脂肪含量,成为老少皆宜的健康食品。

    The EM biotechnology applied to raising layers can reduce egg cholesterol by 52.05 % ~ 67.78 % , retain high protein nutrient and reduce lipids at the same time . This makes this kind of eggs good for both elders and children .

  5. 散步是一种老少皆宜的运动。

    Walking is a good exercise for both young and old .

  6. 美食频道是很老少皆宜的。洁妮丝,B.Y.O.B是指…

    The Food Network is very PG. Janis , B.Y.O.B. ?

  7. 夏可凉拌,冬则热烹,老少皆宜。

    Summer can be cold in winter while hot cooking , ages .

  8. 桑茶是一种有保健作用的老少皆宜的健身茶。

    It is good for health as a heathy tea .

  9. 这种游戏是老少皆宜。

    The game can be enjoyed by young and old .

  10. 这本书老少皆宜。

    This is a book for young and old .

  11. 适用于任何皮肤类型,老少皆宜。

    Suitable for all skin types and age groups .

  12. 树屋肯定是个老少皆宜的乐园。

    The tree house is definitely a fun fair for both young and old .

  13. 老少皆宜的滋补饮料。

    A nourishing Beverage for all ages .

  14. 而且,你们准备的饮料和小甜点非常得可口,老少皆宜。

    Besides , the beverage and sweets are very delicious , ideal for young and old .

  15. 本厂生产的滋补饮料,老少皆宜,深受顾客欢迎。

    The nourishing Beverages for all ages produced By our factory are most welcome to customers .

  16. 这里当然也少不了水滑梯,以及其他老少皆宜的娱乐项目。

    There are also several water slides and other activities that people of all ages can enjoy .

  17. 我们知道《丛林故事》是老少皆宜值得一读的书。

    ' The Jungle Book ' is a fantastic book to read and is suitable for all ages .

  18. 本程序将老少皆宜的经典作品移植到手机上来,为更流行的硬件平台提供应用软件。

    This application transports the classical product to mobile phones , offering corresponding software for such more popular hardware platform .

  19. 该产品营养丰富、风味独特,并具有一定的保健功能,是一种老少皆宜的方便食品。

    It is a convenient food suitable to people of all ages with unique flavor , rich nutrition and health function .

  20. 网球运动还是一项老少皆宜的运动,是一项可以按照自己不同的水平,不同的状态,不同的速度和节奏来进行的运动。

    Tennis is a sport for all ages , and a sport according to their different levels , different states , different speed and rhythm .

  21. 数字化时代,影像不仅是人们传播活动的重要工具,也是老少皆宜的艺术载体。

    In digital age , the portrait is not only an important means of spreading action , but also an art carrier for the old and young .

  22. 豆腐干,简称豆干,加工历史悠久,味美可口,营养价值高,携带方便,老少皆宜。

    The dried bean curd which has a long history , high nutrition value , good tasting and easy to carry about , is loved by most of people .

  23. 整体风格以幽默、诙谐、夸张的形式表现,属于老少皆宜,百看不厌的经典题材。

    The overall style is expressed in the form of humor , jocosity and exaggeration , which belongs to the classical theme beneficial to all ages and never tired of seeing .

  24. 在六大类茶中,尤其是普洱茶更能体现出中庸之道,茶性不偏不倚,既能暖胃,又能清肠利便,所以老少皆宜。

    In the six categories of tea , especially tea to better reflect the moderation , tea impartial , both warm stomach , but also to facilitate bowel , so all ages .

  25. 广播体操其动作简单,节奏明快、健康全面、徒手便捷且老少皆宜,是一项适合不同身体条件的大学生锻炼的体育运动项目。

    Its action on the simple , rhythm and lively , health comprehensive , unarmed convenient and enjoyed by young and old , is a suitable for different conditions of college students ' exercise body of sports .

  26. 太极拳内容丰富、形式多样、风格独特、运动简便、老少皆宜,具有广泛的适应性和深厚的群众基础。

    Shadowboxing , which has rich contents , multiple forms , special manner , and convenient method , is appropriate for both the old and the young , so it has a broad adaptability and profound mass foundation .

  27. 简介中说,这栋房屋所在小区配套设施完善,老少皆宜。有俱乐部会所、游泳池、操场、网球场和篮球场。

    According to the listing , the home is part of a community that has amenities the whole family can enjoy , including a clubhouse , a pool , a playground , tennis courts , and basketball courts .

  28. 关注女性生存、审视女性弱点,揭露军阀罪恶、谴责战争带给人民的苦难和老少皆宜的儿童小说是其三大主题。

    There are three chief subjects in her novel : paying attention to female existence and scrutinizing female weakness , exposing warlord 's evils acts and condemning the war , her literature for children that the old and the young are all fond of .