
  • 网络Old Dragon Head;Old Dragon's Head;Old faucet;LN-MACD
  1. 1991年,山海关及老龙头长城和北戴河海滨双双入选“中国旅游胜地四十佳”;

    In1991 Shanhaiguan Pass , Old Dragon Head and Beidaihe Beach became members of China's40 Top Tourist Resorts .

  2. 老龙头。延伸至海中。

    The Laolongtou , extending into the sea .

  3. 山海关以东筑入渤海的长城名为老龙头,是明长城东部起点。

    The section east of Shanhaiguan that dips into Bohai Sea is called laolongtou , which is the east start of the great wall .

  4. 辽宁省作为振兴东北老工业基地的龙头,其资本结构的优化,直接影响着企业的发展方向和企业价值的提升,以及整个东北地区的发展。

    Liaoning province is regarded as the leading of revitalizing the northeast old industrial base , which capital sructure optimization influences the corporations ' development direction and corporation value directly , and also influences the development of whole northeast .

  5. 对于振兴东北老工业基地的龙头地区辽宁而言,电信业的繁荣壮大不仅会带来产业结构的深入优化,更会显著加速经济发展的信息化进程。

    When it comes to the revitalization of Liaoning , which is a leading region of old industrial base in northeast China , the prosperity of telecom industry will not only promote the further optimization of industrial structure , also accelerate the information process of economic development significantly .