
  1. 据法院文件称,吴晓辉的弟弟吴晓华在2008年7月认识了李敏。

    Wu Xiaohua , the jailed Wu 's younger brother , met Ms. Li in July 2008 , according to court documents .

  2. 次月,李敏被指控接受了吴晓华价值20万元的现金和昂贵物品(包括一辆轿车)而被逮捕。

    Ms. Li was arrested the following month for accepting cash and expensive items ( including a car ) worth 200000 yuan from the jailed man 's brother .

  3. 李敏在辩护中说,她与吴晓华是恋人关系,她接受的这些物品属于礼物,而非贿赂。

    In her defense , Ms. Li said that she was in a romantic relationship with Wu Xiaohua and that the items she had received were gifts and not bribes .

  4. 尽管李敏与吴晓华的关系同她对吴晓辉一案的报导之间明显存在利益冲突,但一些观察人士也把李敏被逮捕视为政府部门干涉新闻自由的又一起案件。

    Despite the apparent conflict of interest between Ms. Li 's relationship with Wu Xiaohua and her reporting on his brother 's legal troubles , some observers interpret Ms. Li 's arrest as another case of official interference with press freedoms .