
  1. 伯喜否是春秋后期吴越争霸史上的重要人物之一。

    Bo Pi is an important person in the late Spring and Autumn Period .

  2. 通过对墓葬等级的分析,可以在一定程度了解吴越争霸以及吴越历史文化的一些特征。

    Tombs Grade , to a certain extent understand some of the characteristics of the Wu Yue hegemony as well as the history and culture of Wu and Yue .

  3. 《吴越春秋》是东汉赵哗所撰的一部叙述春秋末年吴越争霸的历史著作,但因其中多有神话传说和虚构想象之笔,削弱了它在史实上的可信度,故历来被史学家所忽视。

    But in it there are many myths , legends and fictional imaginary description , which weakened its credibility in history , thus it has long been ignored by historians .