
  • Wu Qilong;【人名】Wu Nicky
  1. 这也是吴奇隆的第二次婚姻。

    This is the second marriage for Wu .

  2. 娱乐男人的情殇!吴奇隆、戴立忍最懂!

    Entertainment Nicholas Wu and Leon Dai Understand the Relationship Woes of Men the Best !

  3. 吴奇隆和刘诗诗是在2011年经典穿越大剧《步步惊心》的拍摄期间相识的。

    Wu and Liu met back in 2011 during the filming of hit time-travel TV series ' Scarlet Heart . '

  4. 在接受《北京晚报》采访时,吴奇隆表示这都要归功于该剧制片人采用的这种开放式结局新创意。

    In an interview with Beijing Evening News , Wu said this was due to the new ideas producers introduced in the alternative version .

  5. 今天,著名男演员吴奇隆和女演员刘诗诗的婚礼在印度尼西亚巴厘岛的一个海边酒店举行。

    The wedding ceremony of actor Nicky Wu and actress Liu Shishi is now in progess at a seaside hotel in Bali , Indonesia .

  6. 这对夫妇于今年1月下旬公布婚讯,当时吴奇隆还在微博上晒出夫妻的结婚证和结婚戒指的照片。

    The couple announced the marriage in late January , as Wu posted a photo on his microblog showing the couple 's marriage certificate and wedding rings .

  7. 吴奇隆在小虎队时的两名搭档,苏有朋和陈志朋,以及深受观众欢迎的演员袁弘一起在婚礼中担任伴郎。

    Wu 's former Little Tigers band mates , Alec Su and Julian Chen , teamed up with popular actor Yuan Hong , serving as the groomsmen at the ceremony .

  8. 吴奇隆是一名来自台湾的歌手兼演员,自从在1988年成为小虎队的一员后,在内地他就成为了一个家喻户晓的明星。

    Nicky Wu , a singer and actor from Taiwan , has been a household name on the mainland since he became a member of the boy band Little Tigers in 1988 .

  9. 最近在巴厘岛办婚礼的一对明星夫妇就是林霍,此前,杨幂和刘恺威、刘诗诗和吴奇隆等明星也在巴厘岛举办过婚宴,对该岛起到了不错的宣传作用。

    Before the latest celebrity couple , the island also hosted wedding parties for celebrities Yang Mi and Hawick Lau , and Liu Shishi and Nicholas Wu , which have been good to promote the island .

  10. 但由于这一经典小说已是家喻户晓,又前后经过多次改编,再加上包括吴奇隆在内的全明星阵容等因素,都使得这种开放式结局备受热议。

    But due to the popularity of the classic story , which has been adapted many times , and because the series starred well-known actors such as Nicky Wu , the multi-ending approach caused quite a stir .